
    For more information, see ,db.createCollection(), ,$set, ,db.collection.createIndex(), ,db.collection.drop(), and .

    The following table presents the various SQL statements related toinserting records into tables and the corresponding MongoDB statements.

    For more information, see db.collection.insert().


    The method always includes the idfield in the returned documents unless specifically excluded through[_projection](https://piaosanlang.gitbooks.io/mongodb/tutorial/project-fields-from-query-results#projection). Some of the SQL queries below may include an_id field to reflect this, even if the field is not included in thecorresponding query.

    For more information, seedb.collection.find(), ,db.collection.findOne(), $and, , $gt, ,$exists, , $regex,, skip(),, sort(), and.


    The find() method always includes the idfield in the returned documents unless specifically excluded through[_projection](). Some of the SQL queries below may include an_id field to reflect this, even if the field is not included in thecorresponding find() query.

    For more information, see, db.collection.distinct(),, $ne, $or, , $lt,, $lte, ,limit(), ,explain(), , andcount().

    For more information, see .