Ozone On Premise Installation

    1. Ozone Manager - Is the server that is in charge of the namespace of Ozone. Ozone Manager is responsible for all volume, bucket and key operations.
    2. Storage Container Manager - Acts as the block manager. Ozone Manager requests blocks from SCM, to which clients can write data.
    3. Datanodes - Ozone data node code runs inside the HDFS datanode or in the independent deployment case runs an ozone datanode daemon.
    • Please untar the ozone-<version> to the directory where you are going to run Ozone from. We need Ozone jars on all machines in the cluster. So you need to do this on all machines in the cluster.

    • Ozone relies on a configuration file called . To generate a template that you can replace with proper values, please run the following command. This will generate a template called ozone-site.xml at the specified path (directory).

    Let us look at the settings inside the generated file (ozone-site.xml) and how they control ozone. Once the right values are defined, this file needs to be copied to ozone directory/etc/hadoop.

    1. <property>
    2. <name>ozone.metadata.dirs</name>
    3. <value>/data/disk1/meta</value>
    4. </property>
    • ozone.scm.names Storage container manager(SCM) is a distributed block service which is used by ozone. This property allows data nodes to discover SCM’s address. Data nodes send heartbeat to SCM. Until HA feature is complete, we configure ozone.scm.names to be a single machine.
    1. <property>
    2. <value>scm.hadoop.apache.org</value>
    3. </property>
    • ozone.scm.datanode.id.dir Data nodes generate a Unique ID called Datanode ID. This identity is written to the file datanode.id in a directory specified by this path. Data nodes will create this path if it doesn’t exist already.

    Here is an example,

    Here is an example,

    1. <property>
    2. <name>ozone.om.address</name>
    3. <value>ozonemanager.hadoop.apache.org</value>
    4. </property>

    Before we boot up the Ozone cluster, we need to initialize both SCM and Ozone Manager.

    1. ozone scm --init

    This allows SCM to create the cluster Identity and initialize its state. The command is similar to Namenode format. Init command is executed only once, that allows SCM to create all the required on-disk structures to work correctly.

    Once we know SCM is up and running, we can create an Object Store for our use. This is done by running the following command.

    1. ozone om --init
    1. ozone --daemon start om

    At this point Ozone’s name services, the Ozone manager, and the block service SCM is both running.
    Please note: If SCM is not running om --init command will fail. SCM start will fail if on-disk data structures are missing. So please make sure you have done both scm --init and om --init commands.

    Now we need to start the data nodes. Please run the following command on each datanode.

    At this point SCM, Ozone Manager and data nodes are up and running.

    Congratulations!, You have set up a functional ozone cluster.

    If you want to make your life simpler, you can just run

    1. ozone scm --init
    2. ozone om --init

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