CSI Protocol
(CSI) will enable storage vendors (SP) to develop a plugin once and have it work across a number of container orchestration (CO) systems like Kubernetes or Yarn.
To get more information about CSI at SCI spec
CSI defined a simple GRPC interface with 3 interfaces (Identity, Controller, Node). It defined how the Container Orchestrator can request the creation of a new storage space or the mount of the newly created storage but doesn’t define how the storage can be mounted.
Ozone CSI is an implementation of CSI, it can make possible of using Ozone as a storage volume for a container.
First of all, we need an Ozone cluster with s3gateway, and its OM rpc port and s3gateway port must be visible to CSI pod, because CSIServer will access OM to create or delete a bucket, also, CSIServer will publish volume by creating a mount point to s3g through goofys.
If you don’t have an Ozone cluster on kubernetes, you can reference to create one. Use the resources from where you can find all the required Kubernetes resources to run cluster together with the dedicated Ozone CSI daemon (check )
Now, create the CSI related resources by execute the follow command.
Crete pv-test and visit the result.
Attach the pod scm-0 and put a key into the /s3v/pvc* bucket.
Now, let’s forward port of the to see the UI through the web browser.
Eventually, we can see the result from