
    IMPORTANT: Having resource limits is a best-practice and these values are reasonable defaults, but Operator authors should optimize these values based on their project’s requirements.

    See #5274 for more details.

    Update requirements.yml to point to 0.3.1 of operator_sdk.util instead of 0.2.0

    Add the following annotation into the file

    See for more details.

    Add PHONY target to all Makefile targets. For example, refer to the Makefile in operator-sdk/testdata directory of OperatorSDK tagged by the release containing this change.

    Update the Makefile with the following changes.

    1. Replace: sh kubectl delete -f - With: sh kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=$(ignore-not-found) -f -

    NOTE You can also compare your Makefile with the one tagged by this release, in of the project.

    See #5330 for more details.