operator-sdk alpha config-gen
config-gen programatically generates configuration for a controller-runtime based project using the project source code (golang) and a KubebuilderConfigGen resource file.
This is an alternative to expressing configuration as a static set of kustomize patches in the “config” directory.
config-gen may be used as a standalone command run against a file, as a kustomize transformer plugin, or as a configuration function (e.g. kpt).
Following is an example KubebuilderConfigGen resource used by config-gen:
this resource describes how to generate configuration for a controller-runtime
based project
apiVersion: kubebuilder.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubebuilderConfigGen metadata: name: my-project-name spec: controllerManager: image: my-org-name/my-project-name:v0.1.0
If this file was at the project source root, config-gen could be used to emit configuration using:
The KubebuilderConfigGen resource has the following fields:
apiVersion: kubebuilder.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha1 kind: KubebuilderConfigGen
metadata: # name of the project. used in various resource names. # required name: project-name
# image to run
image: my-org/my-project:v0.1.0
# if set, use component config for the controller-manager
# optional
# use component config
enable: true
# path to component config to put into a ConfigMap
configFilepath: ./path/to/componentconfig.yaml
# configure how metrics are exposed
# disable the auth proxy required for scraping metrics
# disable: false
# generate prometheus ServiceMonitor resource
enableServiceMonitor: true
# configure how webhooks are generated
# optional -- defaults to not generating webhook configuration
# enable will cause webhook config to be generated
enable: true
# key is the name of the CRD
"bars.example.my.domain": true
# configures where to get the certificate used for webhooks
# type of certificate source
# one of ["certManager", "dev", "manual"] -- defaults to "manual"
# certManager: certmanager is used to manage certificates -- requires CertManager to be installed
# dev: certificate is generated and wired into resources
# manual: no certificate is generated or wired into resources
type: "dev"
# options for a dev certificate -- requires "dev" as the type
duration: 1h
# As command
# create the kubebuilderconfiggen.yaml at project root
cat > kubebuilderconfiggen.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: kubebuilder.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: KubebuilderConfigGen
name: project
image: org/project:v0.1.0
# run the config generator
kubebuilder alpha config-gen kubebuilderconfiggen.yaml
# run the config generator and apply
kubebuilder alpha config-gen kubebuilderconfiggen.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
kubebuilder alpha config-gen kubebuilderconfiggen.yaml patch1.yaml patch2.yaml
# As Kustomize plugin
# this allows using config-gen with kustomize features such as patches, commonLabels,
# commonAnnotations, resources, configMapGenerator and other transformer plugins.
# install the kustomize version used in the v3 plugin
# set VERSION to install a different version
curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/kustomize/v${VERSION:-3.8.9}/hack/install_kustomize.sh" | bash -s -- "${VERSION:-3.8.9}"
# install the command as a kustomize plugin
kubebuilder alpha config-gen install-as-plugin
# create the kustomization.yaml containing the KubebuilderConfigGen resource
cat > kustomization.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- |-
apiVersion: kubebuilder.sigs.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: KubebuilderConfigGen
name: my-project
image: my-org/my-project:v0.1.0
# generate configuration from kustomize > v4.0.0
kustomize build --enable-alpha-plugins .
# generate configuration from kustomize <= v4.0.0
kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins .
--verbose Enable verbose logging
- operator-sdk alpha config-gen install-as-plugin - Install config-gen as a kustomize plugin