Notifications API

To retrieve a list of all supported notification configuration types, send a GET request to the resource.

Sample Request

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "allowed_config_type_list" : [
  3. "slack",
  4. "chime",
  5. "webhook",
  6. "email",
  7. "sns",
  8. "ses_account",
  9. "smtp_account",
  10. "email_group"
  11. ],
  12. "plugin_features" : {
  13. "tooltip_support" : "true"
  14. }
  15. }

List all notification configurations

To retrieve a list of all notification configurations, send a GET request to the configs resource.

Sample Request

  1. GET _plugins/_notifications/configs

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "start_index" : 0,
  3. "total_hits" : 2,
  4. "total_hit_relation" : "eq",
  5. "config_list" : [
  6. {
  7. "config_id" : "sample-id",
  8. "last_updated_time_ms" : 1652760532774,
  9. "created_time_ms" : 1652760532774,
  10. "config" : {
  11. "name" : "Sample Slack Channel",
  12. "description" : "This is a Slack channel",
  13. "config_type" : "slack",
  14. "is_enabled" : true,
  15. "slack" : {
  16. "url" : "https://sample-slack-webhook"
  17. }
  18. }
  19. },
  20. {
  21. "config_id" : "sample-id2",
  22. "last_updated_time_ms" : 1652760735380,
  23. "created_time_ms" : 1652760735380,
  24. "config" : {
  25. "name" : "Test chime channel",
  26. "description" : "A test chime channel",
  27. "config_type" : "chime",
  28. "is_enabled" : true,
  29. "chime" : {
  30. "url" : "https://sample-chime-webhook"
  31. }
  32. }
  33. ]
  34. }

To filter the notification configuration types this request returns, you can refine your query with the following optional path parameters.

Sample Request

  1. POST /_plugins/_notifications/configs/
  2. {
  3. "config_id": "sample-id",
  4. "name": "sample-name",
  5. "config": {
  6. "name": "Sample Slack Channel",
  7. "description": "This is a Slack channel",
  8. "config_type": "slack",
  9. "is_enabled": true,
  10. "slack": {
  11. "url": "https://sample-slack-webhook"
  12. }
  13. }

The create channel API operation accepts the following fields in its request body:

FieldData TypeDescriptionRequired
config_idStringThe configuration’s custom ID.No
configObjectContains all relevant information, such as channel name, configuration type, and plugin source.Yes
nameStringName of the channel.Yes
descriptionStringThe channel’s description.No
config_typeStringThe destination of your notification. Valid options are sns, slack, chime, webhook, smtp_account, ses_account, email_group, and email.Yes
is_enabledBooleanIndicates whether the channel is enabled for sending and receiving notifications. Default is true.No

The create channel operation accepts multiple config_types as possible notification destinations, so follow the format for your preferred config_type.

  1. "sns": {
  2. "topic_arn": "<arn>",
  3. "role_arn": "<arn>" //optional
  4. }
  5. "slack": {
  6. "url": "https://sample-chime-webhoook"
  7. }
  8. "chime": {
  9. "url": "https://sample-amazon-chime-webhoook"
  10. }
  11. "webhook": {
  12. "url": ""
  13. }
  14. "smtp_account": {
  15. "host": "",
  16. "port": 123,
  17. "method": "start_tls",
  18. "from_address": ""
  19. }
  20. "ses_account": {
  21. "region": "us-east-1",
  22. "role_arn": "arn:aws:iam::012345678912:role/NotificationsSESRole",
  23. "from_address": ""
  24. }
  25. "email_group": { //Email recipient group
  26. "recipient_list": [
  27. {
  28. "recipient": ""
  29. },
  30. {
  31. "recipient": ""
  32. }
  33. ]
  34. }
  35. "email": { //The channel that sends emails
  36. "email_account_id": "<smtp or ses account config id>",
  37. "recipient_list": [
  38. {
  39. "recipient": ""
  40. }
  41. ],
  42. "email_group_id_list": []
  43. }

The following example demonstrates how to create a channel using email as a config_type:

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "config_id" : "<config_id>"
  3. }

Get channel configuration

Sample Request

  1. GET _plugins/_notifications/configs/<config_id>

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "start_index" : 0,
  3. "total_hits" : 1,
  4. "total_hit_relation" : "eq",
  5. "config_list" : [
  6. {
  7. "config_id" : "sample-id",
  8. "last_updated_time_ms" : 1652760532774,
  9. "config" : {
  10. "name" : "Sample Slack Channel",
  11. "description" : "This is a Slack channel",
  12. "is_enabled" : true,
  13. "slack" : {
  14. "url" : "https://sample-slack-webhook"
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }
  18. ]
  19. }

To update a channel configuration, send a POST request to the configs resource and specify the channel’s config_id as a path parameter. Specify the new configuration details in the request body.

Sample Request

  1. PUT _plugins/_notifications/configs/<config_id>
  2. {
  3. "config": {
  4. "name": "Slack Channel",
  5. "description": "This is an updated channel configuration",
  6. "config_type": "slack",
  7. "is_enabled": true,
  8. "slack": {
  9. "url": ""
  10. }
  11. }
  12. }

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "config_id" : "<config_id>"
  3. }

Delete channel configuration

To delete a channel configuration, send a DELETE request to the configs resource and specify the config_id as a path parameter.

Sample Request

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "delete_response_list" : {
  3. "<config_id>" : "OK"
  4. }
  5. }

You can also submit a comma-separated list of channel IDs you want to delete, and OpenSearch deletes all of the specified notification channels.

Sample Request

  1. DELETE /_plugins/_notifications/configs/?config_id_list=<config_id1>,<config_id2>,<config_id3>...

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "delete_response_list" : {
  3. "<config_id1>" : "OK",
  4. "<config_id2>" : "OK",
  5. "<config_id3>" : "OK"
  6. }
  7. }

Sample Request

  1. GET _plugins/_notifications/feature/test/<config_id>

Sample Response

  1. {
  2. "event_source" : {
  3. "title" : "Test Message Title-0Jnlh4ABa4TCWn5C5H2G",
  4. "reference_id" : "0Jnlh4ABa4TCWn5C5H2G",
  5. "severity" : "info",
  6. "tags" : [ ]
  7. },
  8. "status_list" : [
  9. {
  10. "config_id" : "0Jnlh4ABa4TCWn5C5H2G",
  11. "config_type" : "slack",
  12. "config_name" : "sample-id",
  13. "email_recipient_status" : [ ],
  14. "delivery_status" : {
  15. "status_code" : "200",
  16. "status_text" : """<!doctype html>
  17. <html>
  18. <head>
  19. </head>
  20. <body>
  21. <div>
  22. <h1>Example Domain</h1>
  23. <p>Sample paragraph.</p>
  24. <p><a href="">TO BE OR NOT TO BE, THAT IS THE QUESTION</a></p>
  25. </div>
  26. </body>
  27. </html>
  28. """
  29. }
  30. }