Metrics reference

    DimensionReturn values
    ShardIDID for the shard (e.g. 1).
    IndexNameName of the index (e.g. my-index).
    OperationType of operation (e.g. shardbulk).
    ShardRoleprimary, replica
    ExceptionOpenSearch exceptions (e.g. org.opensearch.index_not_found_exception).
    IndicesThe list of indices in the request URI.
    HTTPRespCodeResponse code from OpenSearch (e.g. ).
    MemTypetotYoungGC, totFullGC, Survivor, PermGen, OldGen, Eden, NonHeap, Heap
    DiskNameName of the disk (e.g. sda1).
    DestAddrDestination address (e.g. 010015AC).
    Directionin, out
    ThreadPoolTypeThe OpenSearch thread pools (e.g. index, search,snapshot).
    CBType, fielddata, in_flight_requests, parent, request
    MasterTaskInsertOrderThe order in which the task was inserted (e.g. 3691).
    MasterTaskPriorityPriority of the task (e.g. URGENT). OpenSearch executes higher priority tasks before lower priority ones, regardless of insert_order.
    MasterTaskTypeshard-started, create-index, delete-index, refresh-mapping, put-mapping, CleanupSnapshotRestoreState, Update snapshot state
    MasterTaskMetadataMetadata for the task (if any).
    CacheTypeField_Data_Cache, , Node_Query_Cache