The commands below all adjust attributes of the installer. These attributes control how the installer looks and functions, including which pages are present in the installer, which text is displayed in each part of each page, the name of the installer, the icon the installer uses, the default installation directory and more. Note that these attributes can be set anywhere in the file except in a or Function.

    Defaults are bold and underlined AddBrandingImage

    Adds a branding image on the top, bottom, left, or right of the installer. Its size will be set according to the width/height specified, the installer width/height and the installers font. The final size will not always be what you requested; have a look at the output of the command for the actual size. Because this depends on the installers font, you should use before AddBrandingImage. The default padding value is 2. The numbers can be suffixed with to specify dialog units instead of pixels.

    AddBrandingImage only adds a placeholder for an image. To set the image itself at runtime, use SetBrandingImage.

    1. AddBrandingImage left 100
    2. AddBrandingImage top 20u 3u
    3. AddBrandingImage bottom 35
    4. AddBrandingImage left 100 5 AllowRootDirInstall

    1. true|false

    Controls whether or not installs are allowed in the root directory of a drive, or directly into a network share. Set to 'true' to change the safe behavior, which prevents users from selecting C:\ or \Server\Share as an install (and later on, uninstall) directory. For additional directory selection page customizability, see . AutoCloseWindow

    1. true|false

    Sets whether or not the install window automatically closes when completed. This is overrideable from a section using SetAutoClose. BGFont

    1. [font_face [height [weight] [/ITALIC] [/UNDERLINE] [/STRIKE]]]

    Specifies the font used to show the text on the background gradient. To set the color use . The default font will be used if no parameters are specified. The default font is bold and italic Times New Roman. BGGradient

    1. [off|(topc botc [textcolor|notext])]

    Specifies whether or not to use a gradient background window. If 'off', the installer will not show a background window, if no parameters are specified, the default black to blue gradient is used, and otherwise the top_color or bottom_color are used to make a gradient. Top_color and bottom_color are specified using the form RRGGBB (in hexadecimal, as in HTML, only minus the leading '#', since # can be used for comments). 'textcolor' can be specified as well, or 'notext' can be specified to turn the big background text off. BrandingText


    Sets the text that is shown at the bottom of the install window (by default it is 'Nullsoft Install System vX.XX'). Setting this to an empty string ("") uses the default; to set the string to blank, use " " (a space). If it doesn't matter to you, leave it the default so that everybody can know why the installer didn't suck :). Use /TRIMLEFT, /TRIMRIGHT or /TRIMCENTER to trim down the size of the control to the size of the string.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized on .onInit. Caption

    1. caption

    When used outside a block: Sets the text for the titlebar of the installer. By default it is '$(^Name) Setup', where Name is specified by the Name instruction. You can however override it with 'MyApp Installer' or whatever. If you specify an empty string (""), the default will be used (you can specify " " to simulate a empty string).

    When used inside a block: Sets the subcaption of the current page.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized on .onInit or . ChangeUI

    1. dialog ui_file.exe

    Replaces dialog (IDD_LICENSE, IDD_DIR, IDD_SELCOM, IDD_INST, IDD_INSTFILES, IDD_UNINST or IDD_VERIFY) with a dialog from ui_file.exe with the same resource ID. You can also specify 'all' as the dialog if you wish to replace all 7 of the dialogs at once from the same UI file. For some example UIs look at Contrib\UIs under your NSIS directory.

    • IDD_LICENSE must contain IDC_EDIT1 (RICHEDIT control).
    • IDD_DIR must contain IDC_DIR (edit box), IDC_BROWSE (button) and IDC_CHECK1 (checkbox).
    • IDD_SELCOM must contain IDC_TREE1 (SysTreeView32 control), and IDC_COMBO1 (combo box).
    • IDD_INST must contain IDC_BACK (button), IDC_CHILDRECT (static control the size of all other dialogs), IDC_VERSTR (static), IDOK (button), and IDCANCEL (button). If an image control (static with SS_BITMAP style) will be found in this dialog it will be used as the default for SetBrandingImage.
    • IDD_INSTFILES must contain IDC_LIST1 (SysListView32 control), IDC_PROGRESS (msctlsprogress32 control), and _IDC_SHOWDETAILS (button).
    • IDD_UNINST must contain IDC_EDIT1 (edit box).
    • IDD_VERIFY must contain IDC_STR (static).
    1. ChangeUI all "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\sdbarker_tiny.exe" CheckBitmap

    1. bitmap.bmp

    Specifies the bitmap with the checkbox images used in the component-selection page treeview.

    This bitmap should have a size of 96x16 pixels, no more than 8bpp (256 colors) and contain six 16x16 images for the different states (in order: selection mask, not checked, checked, greyed out, unchecked & read-only, checked & read-only). Use magenta as mask color (this area will be transparent). CompletedText

    1. text

    Replaces the default text ("Completed") that is printed at the end of the install if parameter is specified. Otherwise, the default is used.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the message is printed. ComponentText

    1. [text [subtext] [subtext2]]

    Used to change the default text on the component page.

    text: Text above the controls, to the right of the installation icon.

    subtext: Text next to the installation type selection.

    subtext2: Text to the left of the components list and below the installation type.

    The default string will be used if a string is empty ("").

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the components page is created. CRCCheck

    1. on|off|force

    Specifies whether or not the installer will perform a CRC on itself before allowing an install. Note that if the user uses /NCRC on the command line when executing the installer, and you didn't specify 'force', the CRC will not occur, and the user will be allowed to install a (potentially) corrupted installer. DetailsButtonText

    1. show_details_text

    Replaces the default details button text of "Show details", if parameter is specified (otherwise the default is used).

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the install log (instfiles) page is created. DirText

    1. [text] [subtext] [browse_button_text] [browse_dlg_text]

    Used to change the default text on the directory page.

    text: Text above the controls, to the right of the installation icon.

    subtext: Text on the directory selection frame.

    browse_button_text: Text on the Browse button.

    browse_dlg_text: Text on the "Browse For Folder" dialog, appears after clicking on "Browse" button.

    The default string will be used if a string is empty ("").

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the directory page is created. DirVar

    1. user_var(dir input/output)

    Specifies which variable is to be used to contain the directory selected. This variable should be initialized with a default value. This allows you to easily create two different directory pages that will not require you to move values in and out of $INSTDIR. The default variable is $INSTDIR. This can only be used in for directory and uninstConfirm pages.

    1. Var ANOTHER_DIR
    2. PageEx directory
    3. DirVar $ANOTHER_DIR
    4. PageExEnd
    6. Section
    7. SetOutPath $INSTDIR
    8. File "a file.dat"
    9. SetOutPath $ANOTHER_DIR
    10. File "another file.dat"
    11. SectionEnd DirVerify

    1. auto|leave

    If `DirVerify leave' is used, the Next button will not be disabled if the installation directory is not valid or there is not enough space. A flag that you can read in the leave function using will be set instead.

    1. PageEx directory
    2. DirVerify leave
    3. PageCallbacks "" "" dirLeave
    4. PageExEnd FileErrorText

    1. file_error_text [noignore_file_error_text]

    Replaces the default text that comes up when a file cannot be written to. This string can contain a reference to $0, which is the filename ($0 is temporarily changed to this value). Example: "Can not write to file $\r$\n$0$\r$\ngood luck.".

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before File is used. Icon

    1. [path\]icon.ico

    Sets the icon of the installer. Every image in the icon file will be included in the installer. Use to set the uninstaller icon. InstallButtonText

    1. install_button_text

    If parameter is specified, overrides the default install button text (of "Install") with the specified text.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the install button shows. InstallColors

    1. /windows | (foreground_color background_color)

    Sets the colors to use for the install info screen (the default is 00FF00 000000. Use the form RRGGBB (in hexadecimal, as in HTML, only minus the leading '#', since # can be used for comments). Note that if "/windows" is specified as the only parameter, the default windows colors will be used. InstallDir

    1. definstdir

    Sets the default installation directory. See the variables section for variables that can be used to make this string (especially $PROGRAMFILES). Note that the part of this string following the last \ will be used if the user selects 'browse', and may be appended back on to the string at install time (to disable this, end the directory with a \ (which will require the entire parameter to be enclosed with quotes). If this doesn't make any sense, play around with the browse button a bit. InstallDirRegKey

    1. root_key subkey key_name

    Language strings and variables cannot be used with . InstProgressFlags

    1. [flag [...]]

    Valid values for flag are "smooth" (smooth the progress bar) or "colored" (color the progress bar with the colors set by InstallColors. Examples: "InstProgressFlags" (default old-school windows look), "InstProgressFlags smooth" (new smooth look), "InstProgressFlags smooth colored" (colored smooth look whee). Note: neither "smooth" or "colored" work with on when the installer runs on Windows XP with a modern theme. InstType

    1. install_type_name [index_output] | /NOCUSTOM | /CUSTOMSTRING=str | /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM

    Adds an install type to the install type list, or disables the custom install type. There can be as many as 32 types, each one specifying the name of the install type. If the name is prefixed with 'un.' it is an uninstaller install type. The name can contain variables which will be processed at runtime before the components page shows. Another way of changing the InstType name during runtime is the command. The difference is that with InstTypeSetText you are saving your precious user variables. The first type is the default (generally 'Typical' or 'Full'). If the /NOCUSTOM switch is specified, then the "custom" install type is disabled, and the user has to choose one of the pre-defined install types. Alternatively, if the /CUSTOMSTRING switch is specified, the parameter will override the "Custom" install type text. Alternatively, if the /COMPONENTSONLYONCUSTOM flag is specified, the component list will only be shown if the "Custom" install type is selected.

    Accepts variables for type names. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the components page is created.

    is used to bind Sections to install types. LicenseBkColor

    1. color | /gray | /windows

    Sets the background color of the license data. Color is specified using the form RRGGBB (in hexadecimal, as in HTML, only minus the leading '#', since # can be used for comments). Default is '/gray'. You can also use the Windows OS defined color by using '/windows'. LicenseData

    1. licdata.(txt|rtf)

    Specifies a text file or a RTF file to use for the license that the user can read. Omit this to not have a license displayed. Note that the file must be in DOS text format (\r\n). To define a multilingual license data use LicenseLangString.

    If you are using a RTF file it is recommended that you edit it with WordPad and not MS Word. Using WordPad will result in a much smaller file.

    Use to show a different license for every language. LicenseForceSelection

    1. (checkbox [accept_text] | radiobuttons [accept_text] [decline_text] | off)

    Specifies if the displayed license must be explicitly accepted or not. This can be done either by a checkbox or by radiobuttons. By default the "next button" is disabled and will only be enabled if the checkbox is enabled or the correct radio button is selected. If off is specified the "next button" is enabled by default.

    1. LicenseForceSelection checkbox
    2. LicenseForceSelection checkbox "i accept"
    3. LicenseForceSelection radiobuttons
    4. LicenseForceSelection radiobuttons "i accept"
    5. LicenseForceSelection radiobuttons "i accept" "i decline"
    6. LicenseForceSelection radiobuttons "" "i decline"
    7. LicenseForceSelection off LicenseText

    1. [text [button_text]]

    Used to change the default text on the license page.

    text: Text above the controls, to the right of the installation icon.

    button_text: Text on the "I Agree" button.

    The default string will be used if a string is empty ("").

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the license page is created. ManifestDPIAware

    1. notset|true|false

    Declare that the installer is DPI-aware. A DPI-aware application is not scaled by the DWM (DPI virtualization) so the text is never blurry. NSIS does not scale the bitmap used by the tree control on the component page and some plugins might have compatibility issues so make sure that you test your installer at different DPI settings if you select true.

    See MSDN for more information about DPI-aware applications. ManifestLongPathAware

    1. notset|true|false

    Declare that the installer can handle paths longer than MAX_PATH. Only supported on Windows 10 Anniversary Update and later.

    Note: Instructions like CopyFiles and CreateShortcut do not support long paths!

    Note: Has no effect if the "Enable Win32 long paths" policy is not enabled. ManifestSupportedOS

    1. none|all|WinVista|Win7|Win8|Win8.1|Win10|{GUID} [...]

    Declare that the installer is compatible with the specified Windows version(s). This adds a SupportedOS entry in the compatibility section of the application manifest. The default is Win7+8+8.1+10. none is the default if is set to none for compatibility reasons.

    Windows 8.1 and later will fake its version number if you don't declare support for that particular version. You can read more about the other changes in behavior on MSDN. MiscButtonText

    1. [back_button_text [next_button_text] [cancel_button_text] [close_button_text]]

    Replaces the default text strings for the four buttons (< Back, Next >, Cancel and Close). If parameters are omitted, the defaults are used.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized in . Name

    1. name [name_doubled_ampersands]

    Sets the name of the installer. The name is usually simply the product name such as 'MyApp' or 'CrapSoft MyApp'. If you have one or more ampersands (&) in the name, set the second parameter to the same name, only with doubled ampersands. For example, if your product's name is "Foo & Bar", use:

    1. Name "Foo & Bar" "Foo && Bar"

    If you have ampersands in the name and use a LangString for the name, you will have to create another one with doubled ampersands to use as the second parameter.

    Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized in . OutFile

    1. [path\]install.exe

    Specifies the output file that the MakeNSIS should write the installer to. This is just the file that MakeNSIS writes, it doesn't affect the contents of the installer. PEAddResource

      Adds as a resource to the installer and uninstaller. restype specifies the resource type and can be any string or # followed by a standard type or number. must be # followed by a number. reslang is optional and specifies the language id of the resource. Replacing standard NSIS resources is not supported, you should use Icon and instead.

      1. PEAddResource "myimage.bmp" "#2" "#1337"
      2. PEAddResource "mybonus.ico" "#Icon" "#200"
      3. PEAddResource "myimage.png" "PNG" "#1234" PERemoveResource

      1. [/NOERRORS] restype resname reslang|ALL

      Removes a resource added with .

      1. PERemoveResource "#Icon" "#200" ALL RequestExecutionLevel

      1. none|user|highest|admin

      Specifies the requested execution level for Windows Vista and higher. The value is embedded in the installer and uninstaller's XML manifest and tells Windows which privilege level the installer requires. user requests the user's normal level with no administrative privileges. highest will request the highest execution level available for the current user and will cause Windows to prompt the user to verify privilege escalation if they are a member of the administrators group. The prompt might request for the user's password. admin, which is also the default, requests administrator level and will cause Windows to prompt the user as well. Specifying none will keep the manifest empty and let Windows decide which execution level is required. Windows automatically identifies NSIS installers and decides administrator privileges are required. Because of this, none and admin have virtually the same effect.

      It's recommended that every application is marked with a required execution level. Unmarked installers are subject to compatibility mode. Workarounds of this mode include automatically moving any shortcuts created in the user's start menu to all users' start menu. Installers that don't install anything into system folders nor write to the local machine registry (HKLM) should specify user execution level.

      More information about this topic can be found on MSDN. SetFont

      1. [/LANG=lang_id] font_face_name font_size

      Sets the installer font. Please remember that the font you choose must be present on the user's machine as well. Don't use rare fonts that only you have.

      Use the /LANG switch if you wish to set a different font for each language. For example:

      1. SetFont /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "English Font" 9
      2. SetFont /LANG=${LANG_FRENCH} "French Font" 10

      There are two s named ^Font and ^FontSize which contain the font and font size for every language. ShowInstDetails

      1. hide|show|nevershow

      Sets whether or not the details of the install are shown. Can be 'hide' to hide the details by default, allowing the user to view them, or 'show' to show them by default, or 'nevershow', to prevent the user from ever seeing them. Note that sections can override this using SetDetailsView. ShowUninstDetails

      1. hide|show|nevershow

      Sets whether or not the details of the uninstall are shown. Can be 'hide' to hide the details by default, allowing the user to view them, or 'show' to show them by default, or 'nevershow', to prevent the user from ever seeing them. Note that sections can override this using . SilentInstall

      1. normal|silent|silentlog

      Specifies whether or not the installer should be silent. If it is 'silent' or 'silentlog', all sections that have the SF_SELECTED flag are installed quietly (you can set this flag using SectionSetFlags), with no screen output from the installer itself (the script can still display whatever it wants, use 's /SD to specify a default for silent installers). Note that if this is set to 'normal' and the user runs the installer with /S (case sensitive) on the command line, it will behave as if SilentInstall 'silent' was used. Note: see also .

      See section 4.12 for more information. SilentUnInstall

      1. normal|silent

      Specifies whether or not the uninstaller should be silent. If it is 'silent' the uninstall sections will run quietly, with no screen output from the uninstaller itself (the script can still display whatever it wants, use 's /SD to specify a default for silent uninstallers). Note that if this is set to 'normal' and the user runs the uninstaller with /S on the command line, it will behave as if SilentUnInstall 'silent' was used.

      See for more information. SpaceTexts

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the components page is created. SubCaption

      1. [page_number subcaption]

      Overrides the subcaptions for each of the installer pages (0=": License Agreement",1=": Installation Options",2=": Installation Directory", 3=": Installing Files", 4=": Completed"). If you specify an empty string (""), the default will be used (you can however specify " " to achieve a blank string).

      You can also set a subcaption (or override the default) using Caption inside a block.

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the relevant page is created. UninstallButtonText

      1. text

      Changes the text of the button that by default says "Uninstall" in the uninstaller. If no parameter is specified, the default text is used.

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the uninstall button shows. UninstallCaption

      1. caption

      Sets what the titlebars of the uninstaller will display. By default it is '$(^Name) Uninstall', where Name is specified with the Name command. You can, however, override it with 'MyApp uninstaller' or whatever. If you specify an empty string (""), the default will be used (you can specify " " to simulate a empty string).

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized in un.onInit. UninstallIcon

      1. [path\]icon.ico

      Sets the icon of the uninstaller. UninstallSubCaption

      1. page_number subcaption

      Sets the default subcaptions for the uninstaller pages (0=": Confirmation",1=": Uninstalling Files",2=": Completed"). If you specify an empty string (""), the default will be used (you can specify " " to simulate a empty string).

      You can also set a subcaption (or override the default) using inside a PageEx block.

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the relevant page is created. UninstallText

      1. text [subtext]

      Specifies the texts on the uninstaller confirm page.

      text: Text above the controls

      subtext: Text next to the uninstall location

      Accepts variables. If variables are used, they must be initialized before the uninstaller confirm page is created. WindowIcon

      1. on|off

      Sets whether or not the installer's icon is displayed on certain pages. XPStyle

      1. on|off

      Sets whether or not a XP visual style manifest will be added to the installer. This manifest makes the installers controls use the new visual styles when running on Windows XP and later. This affects the uninstaller too.

      The following commands affect how the compiler generates code and compresses data. Unless otherwise noted, these commands are valid anywhere in the script and affect every line below where each one is placed (until overridden by another command). They cannot be jumped over using flow control instructions.

      For example, in the following script, blah.dat will never be overwritten.

      1. ${If} $0 == 0
      2. SetOverwrite on
      3. ${Else}
      4. SetOverwrite off
      5. ${EndIf}
      6. File blah.dat # overwrite is always off here!

      Instead, the following should be used.

      1. ${If} $0 == 0
      2. SetOverwrite on
      3. File blah.dat
      4. ${Else}
      5. SetOverwrite off
      6. File blah.dat
      7. ${EndIf} AllowSkipFiles

      1. on|off

      This command specifies whether the user should be able to skip a file or not. A user has an option to skip a file if is set to on (default) and the installer fails to open a file for writing when trying to extract a file. If off is used the ignore button which allows the user to skip the file will not be shown and the user will only have an option to abort the installation (Cancel button) or retry opening the file for writing (Retry button). If on is used the user will have an option to skip the file (error flag will be set - see SetOverwrite). FileBufSize

      1. buffer_size_in_mb

      This command sets the size of the compiler's internal file buffers. This command allows you to control the compiler's memory usage by limiting how much of a given file it will load into memory at once. Since the compiler needs both input and output, twice the memory size specified could be used at any given time for file buffers. This command does not limit the compression buffers which could take another couple of MB, neither does it limit the compiler's other internal buffers, but those shouldn't normally top 1MB anyway. Specifying a very small number could decrease performance. Specifying a very large number could exhaust system resources and force the compiler to cancel the compilation process. The default value is 32MB. SetCompress

      1. auto|force|off

      This command sets the compress flag which is used by the installer to determine whether or not data should be compressed. Typically the flag will affect the commands after it, and the last SetCompress command in the file also determines whether or not the install info section and uninstall data of the installer is compressed. If compressflag is 'auto', then files are compressed if the compressed size is smaller than the uncompressed size. If compressflag is set to 'force', then the compressed version is always used. If compressflag is 'off' then compression is not used (which can be faster).

      Note that this option has no effect when solid compression is used. SetCompressor

      1. [/SOLID] [/FINAL] zlib|bzip2|lzma

      This command sets the compression algorithm used to compress files/data in the installer. It can only be used outside of sections and functions and before any data is compressed. Different compression methods can not be used for different files in the same installer. It is recommended to use it at the very top of the script to avoid compilation errors.

      Three compression methods are supported: ZLIB, BZIP2 and LZMA.

      ZLIB (the default) uses the deflate algorithm, it is a quick and simple method. With the default compression level it uses about 300 KB of memory.

      BZIP2 usually gives better compression ratios than ZLIB, but it is a bit slower and uses more memory. With the default compression level it uses about 4 MB of memory.

      LZMA is a new compression method that gives very good compression ratios. The decompression speed is high (10-20 MB/s on a 2 GHz CPU), the compression speed is lower. The memory size that will be used for decompression is the dictionary size plus a few KBs, the default is 8 MB.

      If /FINAL is used, subsequent calls to will be ignored.

      If /SOLID is used, all of the installer data is compressed in one block. This results in greater compression ratios. SetCompressorDictSize

      1. dict_size_mb

      Sets the dictionary size in megabytes (MB) used by the LZMA compressor (default is 8 MB). SetDatablockOptimize

      1. on|off

      This command tells the compiler whether or not to do datablock optimizations. Datablock optimizations causes the compiler to check to see if any data being added to the data block is already in the data block, and if so, it is simply referenced as opposed to added (can save a little bit of size). It is highly recommended to leave this option on. SetDateSave

      1. on|off

      This command sets the file date/time saving flag which is used by the File command to determine whether or not to save the last write date and time of the file, so that it can be restored on installation. Valid flags are 'on' and 'off'. 'on' is the default. SetOverwrite

      1. on|off|try|ifnewer|ifdiff|lastused

      This command sets the overwrite flag which is used by the command to determine whether or not the file should overwrite any existing files that are present. If overwriteflag is 'on', files are overwritten (this is the default). If overwriteflag is 'off', files that are already present are not overwritten. If overwriteflag is 'try', files are overwritten if possible (meaning that if the file is not able to be written to, it is skipped without any user interaction). If overwriteflag is 'ifnewer', then files are only overwritten if the existing file is older than the new file. If overwriteflag is 'ifdiff', then files are only overwritten if the existing file is older or newer than the new file. Note that when in 'ifnewer' or 'ifdiff' mode, the destination file's date is set, regardless of what SetDateSave is set to.

      1. SetOverwrite off
      2. File program.cfg # config file we don't want to overwrite
      3. SetOverwrite on Unicode

      1. true|false

      Generate a . It can only be used outside of sections and functions and before any data is compressed. VIAddVersionKey

      1. [/LANG=lang_id] keyname value

      Adds a string entry to the version information stored in the installer and uninstaller. These can be viewed in the File Properties Version or Details tab. keyname can either be a special name known by Windows or a user defined name. /LANG=0 can be used to indicate a language neutral language id. The following names are known by Windows:

      • ProductName
      • Comments
      • CompanyName
      • LegalCopyright
      • FileDescription
      • FileVersion
      • ProductVersion
      • InternalName
      • LegalTrademarks
      • OriginalFilename
      • PrivateBuild
      • SpecialBuild

      The displayed name of these special entries are translated on the target system, whereas user defined keynames remain untranslated.

      1. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "ProductName" "Test Application"
      2. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "Comments" "A test comment"
      3. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "CompanyName" "Fake company"
      4. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalTrademarks" "Test Application is a trademark of Fake company"
      5. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "LegalCopyright" "© Fake company"
      6. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileDescription" "Test Application"
      7. VIAddVersionKey /LANG=${LANG_ENGLISH} "FileVersion" "1.2.3" VIProductVersion

      1. version_string_X.X.X.X

      Sets the Product Version in the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO version information block. VIFileVersion

        1. version_string_X.X.X.X

        Sets the File Version in the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO version information block (You should also set the FileVersion string with VIAddVersionKey so the information is displayed at the top of the Version Tab in the Properties of the file). If you don't provide a File Version the Product Version is used in the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO block.