Include header:
Call functions:
- Section Install
- ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
- ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
- SectionEnd
- Section un.Install
- ${TrimNewLines} "Last line$\r$\n" $R0
- ; $R0="Last line"
- SectionEnd
E.2.2 LineFind
- Find specified lines in text file, and edit or view these lines in callback function.
- ${LineFind} "[File1]" "[File2|/NUL]" "[LineNumbers]" "Function"
- "[File1]" ; Input text file
- ;
- "[File2|/NUL]" ; [File2]
- ; Output text file
- ; If empty then File2=File1
- ; [/NUL]
- ; No output text file (only read File1)
- ;
- "[LineNumbers]" ; [No|-No|No:No|{No}|{-No}|{No:No}]
- ; 1:-1 all lines to change (default)
- ; 2 second line from start
- ; -3 third line from end
- ; 5:9 range of lines from 5 to 9
- ; {2} only second line from start to output
- ; {-3} only third line from end to output
- ; {5:9} only range of lines from 5 to 9 to output
- ;
- "Function" ; Callback function for specified lines
- Function "Function"
- ; $R9 current line
- ; $R8 current line number
- ; $R7 current line negative number
- ; $R6 current range of lines
- ; $R5 handle of a file opened to read
- ; $R4 handle of a file opened to write ($R4="" if "/NUL")
- ; you can use any string functions
- ; $R0-$R3 are not used (save data in them).
- ; ...
- Push $var ; If $var="StopLineFind" Then exit from function
- ; If $var="SkipWrite" Then skip current line (ignored if "/NUL")
- FunctionEnd
Note:- Error flag if input file doesn't exist - Error flag if output file path doesn't exist - Ranges must be specified on growth (2 4:5 9:-8 -5:-4 -2:-1) - Output file will not be updated if no changes made.
Example1 (delete first two symbols):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\a-edited.log" "3:-1" "Example1"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example1
- ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
- StrCpy $R9 $R9 '' 2
- StrCpy $R9 '$R9$\r$\n'
- ;start from 3 line and delete first two symbols
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example2 (show changed lines):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "a.log" "{5:12 15 -6:-5 -1}" "Example2"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example2
- ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
- StrCpy $R9 "$R9 ~Changed line ($R8)~$\r$\n"
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example3 (delete lines):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "\logs\a.log" "2:3 10:-5 -3:-2" "Example3"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example3
- StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example4 (insert lines):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "" "10" "Example4
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example4
- FileWrite $R4 "---First Line---$\r$\n"
- FileWrite $R4 "---Second Line ...---$\r$\n"
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example5 (replace in file with count of changes - "WordFunc.nsh" required):
- !include "WordFunc.nsh"
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 0
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "1:-1" "Example5"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Changed lines=$R0"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example5
- StrCpy $1 $R9
- ${WordReplace} '$R9' ' ' '_' '+*' $R9
- StrCmp $1 $R9 +2
- IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1
- ;$R0 count of changed lines
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example6 (line string to cut or delete):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "" "Example6"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Processed lines=$R1:$R2"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example6
- ;(Cut lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
- StrCmp $R0 finish stop
- StrCmp $R0 start finish
- StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
- StrCpy $R0 start
- StrCpy $R1 $R8
- goto code
- finish:
- StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 code
- StrCpy $R0 finish
- StrCpy $R2 $R8
- skip:
- StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
- goto output
- stop:
- StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
- goto output
- ;;(Delete lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
- ; StrCmp $R0 finish code
- ; StrCmp $R0 start finish
- ; StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 code
- ; StrCpy $R0 start
- ; StrCpy $R1 $R8
- ; goto skip
- ; finish:
- ; StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
- ; StrCpy $R0 finish
- ; StrCpy $R2 $R8
- ; skip:
- ; StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
- ; goto output
- code:
- ;...
- output:
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example7 (read lines):
- Section
- ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "/NUL" "1:-1" "Example7"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example7
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '$$R9 "Line"=[$R9]$\n$$R8 "#" =[$R8]' IDOK +2
- StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
E.2.3 LineRead
- Get line in file specified with number.
- ${LineRead} "[File]" "[LineNumber]" $var
- "[File]" ; Input text file
- ;
- "[LineNumber]" ; [No|-No]
- ; 3 line number from start
- ; -5 line number from end
- ;
- $var ; Result: Line
Note:- Error flag if input file doesn't exist - Error flag if line number not found
- Section
- ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
- ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
- SectionEnd
E.2.4 FileReadFromEnd
- Read text file from end line by line.
- ${FileReadFromEnd} "[File]" "Function"
- Section
- ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example1"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example1
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '"Line"=[$9]$\n "#"=[$8]$\n "-#"=[$7]' IDOK +2
- StrCpy $0 StopFileReadFromEnd
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example2 (Reverse text file):
- Section
- GetTempFileName $R0
- FileOpen $R1 $R0 w
- ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example2"
- FileClose $R1
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
- Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
- SectionEnd
- Function Example2
- StrCmp $7 -1 0 +5
- StrCpy $1 $9 1 -1
- StrCmp $1 '$\n' +3
- StrCmp $1 '$\r' +2
- StrCpy $9 '$9$\r$\n'
- FileWrite $R1 "$9"
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
- Get sum of lines in text file.
- ${LineSum} "[File]" $var
- "[File]" ; Input file
- $var ; Result: Sum of lines
Note:- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
- Section
- ${LineSum} "C:\a.log" $R0
- ; $R0="54"
- SectionEnd
E.2.6 FileJoin
- Join two files in one (File1 + File2 = File3).
- ${FileJoin} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[File3]"
- "[File1]" ; Input File1
- "[File2]" ; Input File2
- "[File3]" ; Output File3
- ; If [File3]="" Then add [File2] to [File1]
Note:- Error flag if input files don't exist - Error flag if output file path doesn't exist
Example1 (Join: a.log + b.log = Z.log):
- Section
- ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\Z.log"
- SectionEnd
Example2 (Add: a.log + b.log = a.log):
- Section
- ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\a.log"
- SectionEnd
E.2.7 TextCompare
- Compare two text files.
- ${TextCompare} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[Option]" "Function"
- "[File1]" ; File1 Compare these lines
- "[File2]" ; File2 Compare with these lines
- "[Options]" ; (line-by-line):
- ; FastDiff Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
- ; Call function if Different lines found
- ; FastEqual Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
- ; Call function if Equal lines found
- ; (line number independent):
- ; SlowDiff Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
- ; Call function if line N (File1) Different
- ; SlowEqual Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
- ; Call function if line N (File1) Equal
- "Function" ; Callback function
- Function "Function"
- ; $9 "Line File1"
- ; $8 "Line number"
- ; $7 "Line File2" (empty if SlowDiff)
- ; $6 "Line number" (empty if SlowDiff)
- ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
- ; ...
- Push $var ; If $var="StopTextCompare" Then exit from function
- FunctionEnd
Note:- Error flag if File1 or File2 doesn't exist - Error flag if syntax error
Example (Different or Equal):
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 ''
- ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example1"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +4
- StrCmp $R0 NotEqual 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Files differ" IDOK +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Files identical"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example1
- StrCpy $R0 NotEqual
- StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example (Compare line-by-line - Different):
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
- StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
- GetTempFileName $R2
- FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
- FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
- ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastDiff" "Example2"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
- Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
- FunctionEnd
- Function Example2
- FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
- FileWrite $R3 '$6=$7$\r$\n'
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example (Compare line-by-line - Equal):
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
- StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
- GetTempFileName $R2
- FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
- FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
- ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastEqual" "Example3"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
- Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
- FunctionEnd
- Function Example3
- FileWrite $R3 '$8|$6=$9'
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example (Compare all lines - Different):
- Section
- StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
- StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
- GetTempFileName $R2
- FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
- FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
- ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
- FileWrite $R3 "$\r$\n$R1 | $R0$\r$\n"
- ${TextCompare} "$R1" "$R0" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
- FileClose $R3
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
- Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
- end:
- FunctionEnd
- Function Example4
- FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
Example (Show variables):
- Section
- ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example6"
- IfErrors 0 +2
- MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
- SectionEnd
- Function Example6
- MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '\
- $$9 "Line File1" =[$9]$\n\
- $$8 "Line #" =[$8]$\n\
- $$7 "Line File2" =[$7]$\n\
- $$6 "Line #" =[$6]'\
- IDOK +2
- StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
- Push $0
- FunctionEnd
E.2.8 TextCompareS
- Same as TextCompare, but case sensitive.
- Read value from entry name in config file.
- ${ConfigRead} "[File]" "[Entry]" $var
- "[File]" ; config file
- ;
- "[Entry]" ; entry name
- ;
- $var ; Result: Value
Note:- Error flag if entry not found - Error flag if file doesn't exist
- Section
- ${ConfigRead} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" $R0
- SectionEnd
- Section
- ${ConfigRead} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " $R0
- ;$R0=30
- SectionEnd
E.2.10 ConfigReadS
- Same as ConfigRead, but case sensitive.
E.2.11 ConfigWrite
- Write value from entry name in config file.
- ${ConfigWrite} "[File]" "[Entry]" "[Value]" $var
- "[File]" ; config file
- ;
- "[Entry]" ; entry name
- ;
- "[Value]" ; value name
- ; if "" then delete Entry
- ;
- $var ; Result:
- ; $var=CHANGED Value is written
- ; $var=DELETED Entry is deleted
- ; $var=ADDED Entry and Value are added
- ; $var=SAME Entry and Value already exist
Note:- Error flag if file doesn't exist - Error flag if file can't be opened
- Section
- ${ConfigWrite} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" "D:\WINDOWS" $R0
- SectionEnd
- Section
- ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "30" $R0
- ;$R0=SAME
- SectionEnd
- Section
- ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "" $R0
- SectionEnd
E.2.12 ConfigWriteS
- Recode text file from DOS to Windows format and vice-versa.
- ${FileRecode} "[File]" "[Format]"
- "[File]" ;
- ;
- "[Format]" ; OemToChar -from DOS to Windows
- ; CharToOem -from Windows to DOS
Note:- Error flag if file doesn't exist - Error flag if syntax error
- Section
- ${FileRecode} "C:\SCANDISK.LOG" "CharToOem"
- SectionEnd
E.2.14 TrimNewLines
- Trim newlines in a string.
- ${TrimNewLines} "[string]" $var
- "[string]" ; Input string
- $var ; Result: String without '$\r' and '$\n' at the end