Engine live upgrade is supported from v1.1.0 to v1.1.1.

    For airgap upgrades when Longhorn is installed as a Rancher app, you will need to modify the image names and remove the registry URL part.

    For example, the image registry.example.com/longhorn/longhorn-manager:v1.1.1 is changed to in Longhorn images section. For more information, see the air gap installation steps

    Preparing for the Upgrade


    To upgrade with kubectl, run this command:

    To upgrade with Helm, run this command:

    Then wait for all the pods to become running and Longhorn UI working. e.g.:

    Next, upgrade Longhorn engine.

    Post upgrade

    To avoid crashing existing volumes, as well as switch from the deprecated setting to the new instance manager CPU reservation mechanism, Longhorn will automatically set Engine Manager CPU Request and from each node based on the deprecated setting value during upgrade. Then, the new global instance manager CPU settings and Guaranteed Replica Manager CPU won’t take effect. You may need to check the new mechanism and the setting descriptions to see if you need any adjustments.


    Error: "longhorn" is invalid: provisioner: Forbidden: updates to provisioner are forbidden.

    • To clean up the deprecated StorageClass, run this command: