Add a Default VolumeSnapshotClass

If You are Updating from a Previous Longhorn Version in an Air Gap Environment

  1. Update the csi-provisioner image to .

If your Kubernetes Distribution Does Not Bundle the Snapshot Controller

You may manually install these components by executing the following steps.

Note that the snapshot controller YAML files mentioned below deploy into the default namespace.


For example, on a vanilla Kubernetes cluster, update the namespace from to kube-system prior to issuing the kubectl create command.

Install the Snapshot Beta CRDs:

  1. Download the files from
  2. Run kubectl create -f client/config/crd.
  3. Do this once per cluster.

Install the Common Snapshot Controller:

  1. Update the namespace to an appropriate value for your environment (e.g. )
  2. Run kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/snapshot-controller.
  3. Do this once per cluster.