EngineConnManager Design

    Introduction to the second-level module

    The engine launcher, whose core class is LinuxProcessEngineConnLauch, is used to provide instructions for executing commands.

    The core module of ECM includes the top-level interface of ECM health report and EngineConn health report function, defines the relevant indicators of ECM service, and the core method of constructing EngineConn process.

    The server side of ECM defines top-level interfaces and implementation classes such as ECM health information processing service, ECM indicator information processing service, ECM registration service, EngineConn start service, EngineConn stop service, EngineConn callback service, etc., which are mainly used for ECM to itself and EngineConn Life cycle management, health information reporting, heartbeat sending, etc. Core Service and Features module are as follows:

    Core serviceCore function
    EngineConnLaunchServiceContains core methods for generating EngineConn and starting the process
    BmlResourceLocallizationServiceUsed to download BML engine related resources and generate localized file directory
    ECMHealthServiceReport your own healthy heartbeat to AM regularly
    ECMMetricsServiceReport your own indicator status to AM regularly
    EngineConnKillSerivceProvides related functions to stop the engine
    EngineConnListServiceProvide caching and management engine related functions
    EngineConnCallBackServiceProvide the function of the callback engine