Linkis1.0 Configurations
1.1 Global configurations
1.2 LDAP configurations
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.ldap.proxy.url | None | LDAP URL address |
wds.linkis.ldap.proxy.baseDN | None | LDAP baseDN address |
wds.linkis.ldap.proxy.userNameFormat | None |
1.3 Hadoop configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.hadoop.root.user | hadoop | HDFS super user |
wds.linkis.filesystem.hdfs.root.path | None | User’s HDFS default root path |
wds.linkis.keytab.enable | false | Whether to enable kerberos |
wds.linkis.keytab.file | /appcom/keytab | Kerberos keytab path, effective only when wds.linkis.keytab.enable=true | | false | | | | |
hadoop.config.dir | None | If not configured, it will be read from the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR |
wds.linkis.hadoop.external.conf.dir.prefix | /appcom/config/external-conf/hadoop | hadoop additional configuration |
1.4 Linkis RPC configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.rpc.broadcast.thread.num | 10 | Linkis RPC broadcast thread number (Recommended default value) | | 60000 | Linkis RPC Receiver’s default processing timeout time |
wds.linkis.rpc.eureka.client.refresh.interval | 1s | Refresh interval of Eureka client’s microservice list (Recommended default value) |
wds.linkis.rpc.eureka.client.refresh.wait.time.max | 1m | Refresh maximum waiting time (recommended default value) |
wds.linkis.rpc.receiver.asyn.consumer.thread.max | 10 | Maximum number of Receiver Consumer threads (If there are many online users, it is recommended to increase this parameter appropriately) |
wds.linkis.rpc.receiver.asyn.consumer.freeTime.max | 2m | Receiver Consumer maximum idle time |
wds.linkis.rpc.receiver.asyn.queue.size.max | 1000 | The maximum number of buffers in the receiver consumption queue (If there are many online users, it is recommended to increase this parameter appropriately) |
wds.linkis.rpc.sender.asyn.consumer.thread.max”, 5 | Sender Consumer maximum number of threads | |
wds.linkis.rpc.sender.asyn.consumer.freeTime.max | 2m | Sender Consumer Maximum Free Time |
wds.linkis.rpc.sender.asyn.queue.size.max | 300 | Sender consumption queue maximum buffer number |
2.1 Entrance configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.spark.engine.version | 2.4.3 | The default Spark version used when the user submits a script without specifying a version |
wds.linkis.hive.engine.version | 1.2.1 | The default Hive version used when the user submits a script without a specified version |
wds.linkis.python.engine.version | python2 | The default Python version used when the user submits a script without specifying a version |
wds.linkis.jdbc.engine.version | 4 | The default JDBC version used when the user submits the script without specifying the version | | 1 | The default shell version used when the user submits a script without specifying a version |
wds.linkis.appconn.engine.version | v1 | The default AppConn version used when the user submits a script without a specified version |
wds.linkis.entrance.scheduler.maxParallelismUsers | 1000 | Maximum number of concurrent users supported by Entrance |
wds.linkis.entrance.job.persist.wait.max | 5m | Maximum time for Entrance to wait for JobHistory to persist a Job |
wds.linkis.entrance.config.log.path | None | If not configured, the value of wds.linkis.filesystem.hdfs.root.path is used by default | | IDE | The default submission system when the submission system is not specified |
wds.linkis.default.runType | sql | The default script type when the script type is not specified |
wds.linkis.warn.log.exclude | org.apache,hive.ql,hive.metastore,,com.webank.wedatasphere | Real-time WARN-level logs that are not output to the client by default |
wds.linkis.log.exclude | org.apache, hive.ql, hive.metastore,, com.webank.wedatasphere, com.webank | Real-time INFO-level logs that are not output to the client by default |
wds.linkis.instance | 3 | User’s default number of concurrent jobs per engine |
wds.linkis.max.ask.executor.time | 5m | Apply to LinkisManager for the maximum time available for EngineConn |
wds.linkis.hive.special.log.include | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Task | When pushing Hive logs to the client, which logs are not filtered by default |
wds.linkis.spark.special.log.include | org.apache.linkis.engine.spark.utils.JobProgressUtil | When pushing Spark logs to the client, which logs are not filtered by default | | false | Whether to check and block dangerous shell syntax | | rm,sh,find,kill,python,for,source,hdfs,hadoop,spark-sql,spark-submit,pyspark,spark-shell,hive,yarn | Shell default Dangerous grammar | | cd,ls | Shell whitelist syntax |
wds.linkis.sql.default.limit | 5000 | SQL default maximum return result set rows |
2.2 EngineConn configuration parameters
2.3 EngineConnManager configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.ecm.memory.max | 80g | ECM’s maximum bootable EngineConn memory |
wds.linkis.ecm.cores.max | 50 | ECM’s maximum number of CPUs that can start EngineConn |
wds.linkis.ecm.engineconn.instances.max | 50 | The maximum number of EngineConn that can be started, it is generally recommended to set the same as wds.linkis.ecm.cores.max |
wds.linkis.ecm.protected.memory | 4g | ECM protected memory, that is, the memory used by ECM to start EngineConn cannot exceed wds.linkis.ecm.memory.max-wds.linkis.ecm.protected.memory |
wds.linkis.ecm.protected.cores.max | 2 | The number of protected CPUs of ECM, the meaning is the same as wds.linkis.ecm.protected.memory |
wds.linkis.ecm.protected.engine.instances | 2 | Number of protected instances of ECM | | 3s | Waiting time for EngineConn to return pid |
2.4 LinkisManager configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
---|---|---|” | 10m | The maximum start time for LinkisManager to start a new EngineConn | | 5m | LinkisManager reuses an existing EngineConn’s maximum selection time | | 10 | LinkisManager reuses an existing EngineConn’s maximum polling times |
wds.linkis.multi.user.engine.types | jdbc,es,presto | When LinkisManager reuses an existing EngineConn, which engine users are not used as reuse rules |
wds.linkis.rm.instance | 10 | The default maximum number of instances per user per engine |
wds.linkis.rm.yarnqueue.cores.max | 150 | Maximum number of cores per user in each engine usage queue |
wds.linkis.rm.yarnqueue.memory.max | 450g | The maximum amount of memory per user in each engine’s use queue |
wds.linkis.rm.yarnqueue.instance.max | 30 | The maximum number of applications launched by each user in the queue of each engine |
3.1 JDBC engine configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.jdbc.default.limit | 5000 | The default maximum return result set rows | | mysql=>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,postgresql=>org.postgresql.Driver,oracle=>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver,hive2=>org.apache.hive .jdbc.HiveDriver,presto=>com.facebook.presto.jdbc.PrestoDriver | Drivers supported by JDBC engine |
wds.linkis.engineconn.jdbc.concurrent.limit | 100 | Maximum number of concurrent SQL executions |
3.2 Python engine configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
pythonVersion | /appcom/Install/anaconda3/bin/python | Python command path |
python.path | None | Specify an additional path for Python, which only accepts shared storage paths |
3.3 Spark engine configuration parameters
4.1 BML configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.bml.dws.version | v1 | Version number requested by Linkis Restful |
wds.linkis.bml.auth.token.key | Validation-Code | Password-free token-key for BML request |
wds.linkis.bml.auth.token.value | BML-AUTH | Password-free token-value requested by BML |
wds.linkis.bml.hdfs.prefix | /tmp/linkis | The prefix file path of the BML file stored on hdfs |
4.2 Metadata configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
hadoop.config.dir | /appcom/config/hadoop-config | If it does not exist, the value of the environment variable HADOOP_CONF_DIR is used by default |
hive.config.dir | /appcom/config/hive-config | If it does not exist, the value of the environment variable HIVE_CONF_DIR is used by default |
hive.meta.url | None | The URL of the HiveMetaStore database. If hive.config.dir is not configured, this value must be configured |
hive.meta.user | None | User of the HiveMetaStore database |
hive.meta.password | None | Password of the HiveMetaStore database |
4.3 JobHistory configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.jobhistory.admin | None | The default Admin account is used to specify which users can view the execution history of everyone |
4.4 FileSystem configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.filesystem.root.path | file:///tmp/linkis/ | User’s Linux local root directory |
wds.linkis.filesystem.hdfs.root.path | hdfs:///tmp/ | User’s HDFS root directory |
wds.linkis.workspace.filesystem.hdfsuserrootpath.suffix | /linkis/ | The first-level prefix after the user’s HDFS root directory. The user’s actual root directory is: ${hdfs.root.path}\${user}\${ hdfsuserrootpath.suffix} | | true | When Client downloads the result set, whether to limit the number of downloads | | 5000 | When the result set is downloaded as a CSV file, the number of downloads is limited | | 5000 | When the result set is downloaded as an Excel file, the number of downloads is limited |
wds.linkis.workspace.filesystem.get.timeout | 2000L | The maximum timeout period for requesting the underlying file system. (If the performance of your HDFS or Linux machine is low, it is recommended to increase the check number appropriately) |
4.5 UDF configuration parameters
5.1 Gateway configuration parameters
Parameter name | Default value | Description |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.enable.proxy.user | false | Whether to enable proxy user mode, if enabled, the login user’s request will be proxied to the proxy user for execution |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.proxy.user.config | | Storage file of proxy rules |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.proxy.user.scan.interval | 600000 | Proxy file refresh interval |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.enable.token.auth | false | Whether to enable the Token login mode, if enabled, allow access to Linkis in the form of tokens |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.token.auth.config | | Token rule storage file |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.token.auth.scan.interval | 600000 | Token file refresh interval |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.url.pass.auth | /dws/ | Request for default release without login verification |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.enable.sso | false | Whether to enable SSO user login mode |
wds.linkis.gateway.conf.sso.interceptor | None | If the SSO login mode is enabled, the user needs to implement SSOInterceptor to jump to the SSO login page |
wds.linkis.admin.user | hadoop | Administrator user list |
wds.linkis.login_encrypt.enable | false | When the user logs in, does the password enable RSA encryption transmission |
wds.linkis.enable.gateway.auth | false | Whether to enable the Gateway IP whitelist mechanism |
wds.linkis.gateway.auth.file | auth.txt | IP whitelist storage file |