Built-in Workflow Operations


    Before reading this section, make sure you understand how to customize workflow and learn the basics of

    Makes the workflow step wait until the condition is met.



    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myRead: op.#Read & {
    3. value: {
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. metadata: name: "test-app"
    7. }
    8. }
    9. wait: op.#ConditionalWait & {
    10. continue: myRead.value.status.phase == "running"
    11. }


    Make the workflow step failed.


    1. #Fail: {
    2. // +usage=Optional message that will be shown in workflow step status, note that the message might be override by other actions.
    3. message?: string
    4. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. fail: op.#Fail & {
    3. message: "error in the step"
    4. }

    Data Control


    Output the log or configure the log source for this step. If op.#Log is used in a step definition, then you can use vela workflow logs <name> to view the log for that step.


    1. #Log: {
    2. // +usage=The data to print in the controller logs
    3. data?: {...} | string
    4. // +usage=The log level of the data
    5. level: *3 | int
    6. // +usage=The log source of this step. You can specify it from a url or resources. Note that if you set source in multiple op.#Log, only the latest one will work
    7. source?: close({
    8. // +usage=Specify the log source url of this step
    9. url: string
    10. }) | close({
    11. // +usage=Specify the log resources of this step
    12. resources?: [...{
    13. // +usage=Specify the name of the resource
    14. name?: string
    15. // +usage=Specify the cluster of the resource
    16. cluster?: string
    17. // +usage=Specify the namespace of the resource
    18. namespace?: string
    19. // +usage=Specify the label selector of the resource
    20. labelSelector?: {...}
    21. }]
    22. })
    23. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myLog: op.#Log & {
    3. data: "my custom log"
    4. resources: [{
    5. labelsSelector: {"test-key": "test-value"}
    6. }]
    7. }


    Write message to the workflow step status.


    1. #Message: {
    2. // +usage=Optional message that will be shown in workflow step status, note that the message might be override by other actions.
    3. message?: string
    4. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. msg: op.#Message & {
    3. message: "custom message"
    4. }


    Used to save or read user-defined data in the context of workflow.


    1. #DoVar: {
    2. // +usage=The method to call on the variable
    3. method: *"Get" | "Put"
    4. // +usage=The path to the variable
    5. path: string
    6. // +usage=The value of the variable
    7. value?: _
    8. }


    1. put: op.ws.#DoVar & {
    2. method: "Put"
    3. path: "foo.score"
    4. value: 100
    5. }
    6. // The user can get the data saved above through get.value (100)
    7. get: op.ws.#DoVar & {
    8. method: "Get"
    9. path: "foo.score"
    10. }


    Send HTTP request to the specified URL.


    1. #HTTPDo: {
    2. // +usage=The method of HTTP request
    3. method: *"GET" | "POST" | "PUT" | "DELETE"
    4. // +usage=The url to request
    5. url: string
    6. // +usage=The request config
    7. request?: {
    8. // +usage=The timeout of this request
    9. timeout?: string
    10. // +usage=The request body
    11. body?: string
    12. // +usage=The header of the request
    13. header?: [string]: string
    14. // +usage=The trailer of the request
    15. trailer?: [string]: string
    16. // +usage=The rate limiter of the request
    17. ratelimiter?: {
    18. limit: int
    19. period: string
    20. }
    21. }
    22. // +usgae=The tls config of the request
    23. tls_config?: secret: string
    24. // +usage=The response of the request will be filled in this field after the action is executed
    25. // +usage=The body of the response
    26. body: string
    27. // +usage=The header of the response
    28. header?: [string]: [...string]
    29. // +usage=The trailer of the response
    30. trailer?: [string]: [...string]
    31. // +usage=The status code of the response
    32. statusCode: int
    33. }
    34. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myRequest: op.#HTTPDo & {
    3. method: "POST"
    4. url: "http://my-url.com"
    5. request: {
    6. body: {
    7. "hello": "body"
    8. }
    9. }
    10. }


    Send HTTP GET request to the specified URL.


    Same as HTTPDo, but method has been specified as GET.


    Please refer the example in HTTPDo.


    Same as HTTPDo, but method has been specified as POST.


    Please refer the example in HTTPDo.


    Send HTTP PUT request to the specified URL.


    Same as HTTPDo, but has been specified as PUT.


    Please refer the example in HTTPDo.


    Send HTTP DELETE request to the specified URL.


    Same as HTTPDo, but method has been specified as DELETE.


    Please refer the example in HTTPDo.


    Send emails.


    1. #SendEmail {
    2. // +usage=The info of the sender
    3. from: {
    4. // +usage=The address of the sender
    5. address: string
    6. // +usage=The alias of the sender
    7. alias?: string
    8. // +usage=The password of the sender
    9. password: string
    10. // +usage=The host of the sender server
    11. host: string
    12. // +usage=The port of the sender server
    13. port: int
    14. }
    15. // +usgae=The email address list of the recievers
    16. to: [...string]
    17. // +usage=The content of the email
    18. content: {
    19. // +usage=The subject of the email
    20. subject: string
    21. // +usage=The body of the email
    22. body: string
    23. }
    24. }


    Resource Management


    Apply resources in the Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #Apply: {
    2. // +usage=The cluster to use
    3. cluster: *"" | string
    4. // +usage=The resource to apply
    5. value: {...}
    6. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myApply: op.#Apply & {
    3. value: {
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. metadata: name: "test-app"
    7. spec: {
    8. replicas: 2
    9. ...
    10. }
    11. }
    12. }


    Apply resources in parallel in the Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #ApplyInParallel: {
    2. // +usage=The cluster to use
    3. cluster: *"" | string
    4. // +usage=The resources to apply in parallel
    5. value: [...{...}]
    6. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myApply: op.#ApplyInParallel & {
    3. value: [{
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. metadata: name: "test-app"
    7. spec: {
    8. replicas: 2
    9. ...
    10. }
    11. }, {
    12. kind: "Deployment"
    13. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    14. metadata: name: "test-app2"
    15. spec: {
    16. replicas: 2
    17. ...
    18. }
    19. }]
    20. }


    Read resources in the Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #Read: {
    2. // +usage=The cluster to use
    3. cluster: *"" | string
    4. // +usage=The resource to read, this field will be filled with the resource read from the cluster after the action is executed
    5. value?: {...}
    6. ...
    7. }
    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myRead: op.#Read & {
    3. value: {
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. metadata: name: "test-app"
    7. }
    8. }

    List resources in the Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #List: {
    2. // +usage=The cluster to use
    3. cluster: *"" | string
    4. // +usage=The resource to list
    5. resource: {
    6. // +usage=The api version of the resource
    7. apiVersion: string
    8. // +usage=The kind of the resource
    9. kind: string
    10. }
    11. // +usage=The filter to list the resources
    12. filter?: {
    13. // +usage=The namespace to list the resources
    14. namespace?: *"" | string
    15. // +usage=The label selector to filter the resources
    16. matchingLabels?: {...}
    17. }
    18. // +usage=The listed resources will be filled in this field after the action is executed
    19. list?: {...}
    20. ...
    21. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myList: op.#List & {
    3. resource: {
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. }
    7. filter: {
    8. matchingLabels: {
    9. "mylabel": "myvalue"
    10. }
    11. }


    Delete resources in the Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #Delete: {
    2. // +usage=The cluster to use
    3. cluster: *"" | string
    4. // +usage=The resource to delete
    5. value: {
    6. // +usage=The api version of the resource
    7. apiVersion: string
    8. // +usage=The kind of the resource
    9. kind: string
    10. // +usage=The metadata of the resource
    11. metadata: {
    12. // +usage=The name of the resource
    13. name?: string
    14. namespace: *"default" | string
    15. }
    16. }
    17. // +usage=The filter to delete the resources
    18. filter?: {
    19. // +usage=The namespace to list the resources
    20. namespace?: string
    21. // +usage=The label selector to filter the resources
    22. matchingLabels?: {...}
    23. }
    24. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myDelete: op.#Delete & {
    3. resource: {
    4. kind: "Deployment"
    5. apiVersion: "apps/v1"
    6. metadata: name: "my-app"
    7. }
    8. }


    Load all the components and its traits in the application.


    1. #Load: {
    2. // +usage=If specify `app`, use specified application to load its component resources otherwise use current application
    3. app?: string
    4. // +usage=The value of the components will be filled in this field after the action is executed, you can use value[componentName] to refer a specified component
    5. value?: {...}
    6. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. // You can use `load.value.[componentName] to refer the component.
    3. load: op.#Load & {}
    4. mycomp: load.value["my-comp"]


    Create or update resources corresponding to the component in Kubernetes cluster. Note that need to use Load first to apply the resources.



    1. import "vela/op"
    2. load: op.#Load & {}
    3. apply: op.#ApplyComponent & {
    4. value: load.value["my-comp"]
    5. }


    Create or update resources corresponding to the application in Kubernetes cluster.


    1. #ApplyApplication: {}


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. apply: op.#ApplyApplication & {}

    Special Operations


    A combination of a set of operations that can be used to implement complex operation logic.


    1. #Steps: {}


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. env: "prod"
    3. app: op.#Steps & {
    4. if env == "prod" {
    5. load: op.#Load & {
    6. component: "component-name"
    7. }
    8. apply: op.#Apply & {
    9. value: load.value.workload
    10. }
    11. }
    12. if env != "prod" {
    13. request: op.#HTTPGet & {
    14. url: "http://my-url.com"
    15. }
    16. }
    17. }


    Send a request to the specified Slack URL. #Slack is actually a secondary wrapper for #HTTPPost, we will deprecate this operation in the next version. You can use #HTTPPost instead, like:

    1. import (
    2. "vela/op"
    3. "encoding/json"
    4. )
    5. message: {
    6. "hello": "world"
    7. }
    8. mySlack: op.#HTTPPost & {
    9. url: "slackURL"
    10. request: {
    11. body: json.Marshal(message)
    12. header: "Content-Type": "application/json"
    13. }
    14. }


    1. #Slack: {
    2. message: {...}
    3. slackUrl: string
    4. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myMessage: {
    3. "hello": "world"
    4. }
    5. myRequest: op.#Slack & {
    6. message: myMessage
    7. slackUrl: "slackURL"
    8. }

    Send a request to the specified DingTalk URL. #DingTalk is actually a secondary wrapper of #HTTPPost, we will deprecate this operation in the next version. You can use #HTTPPost instead, please refer to the example in Slack action.


    1. #DingTalk: {
    2. message: {...}
    3. dingUrl: string
    4. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myMessage: {
    3. "hello": "world"
    4. }
    5. myRequest: op.#DingTalk & {
    6. message: myMessage
    7. dingUrl: "dingURL"
    8. }


    Send a request to the specified Lark URL. #Lark is actually a secondary wrapper of #HTTPPost, we will deprecate this operation in the next version. You can use #HTTPPost instead, please refer to the example in Slack action.

    1. #Lark: {
    2. message: {...}
    3. larkUrl: string
    4. }


    1. import "vela/op"
    2. myMessage: {
    3. "hello": "world"
    4. }
    5. myRequest: op.#Lark & {
    6. message: myMessage
    7. }