Config Template
The config data save as a Secret default, but you also could generate resources of any type by defining the template. Even, you can define the extend writer to write the config data to the Nacos server.
Config Template
defined with the CUE file. The schema of the specification:
This is required. Specify the name of the template.metadata.alias
Specify the alias of the template.metadata.description
Specify the description of the template.metadata.scope
Specify the scope of the config created by this template. In VelaUX, the template belonging to the project scope means this template could be used to create the config in the project. If created in the system, this config could be shared with all projects.metadata.sensitive
Is it sensitive the config created by this template? If the config is sensitive, it can not be read directly and could only mount the Secret.
This is not required. You could specify if you want to customize the data structure of the Secret.template.outputs
This is not required. You could specify any resources that you want to generate by this config.
- List the Config Templates
vela config-template list
- Create a Config Template
vela config-template apply -f example.cue
- Show the schema and document of the Config Template
- Delete a Config Template
vela config-template delete <Template Name>
More usages, refer to:
vela config-template --help
Nacos Server
metadata: {
name: "nacos-server"
alias: "Nacos Server"
description: "Config the Nacos server connectors"
sensitive: false
scope: "system"
template: {
parameter: {
// +usage=Directly configure the Nacos server address
servers?: [...{
ipAddr: string
// +usage=nacos server port
port: *8849 | int
// +usage=nacos server grpc port, default=server port + 1000, this is not required
grpcPort?: int
client?: {
// +usage=the endpoint for get Nacos server addresses
endpoint: string
// +usage=the AccessKey for kms
accessKey?: string
// +usage=the SecretKey for kms
secretKey?: string
// +usage=the regionId for kms
regionId?: string
// +usage=the username for nacos auth
username?: string
// +usage=the password for nacos auth
password?: string
// +usage=it's to open kms,default is false.
openKMS?: bool
metadata: {
name: "nacos-config"
alias: "Nacos Configuration"
description: "Write the configuration to the nacos"
sensitive: false
scope: "system"
template: {
nacos: {
// The endpoint can not references the parameter.
endpoint: {
// Users must create a config base the nacos-server template firstly.
name: "nacos"
// could references the parameter
dataId: parameter.dataId
if parameter.appName != _|_ {
appName: parameter.appName
if parameter.namespaceId != _|_ {
namespaceId: parameter.namespaceId
if parameter.tenant != _|_ {
tenant: parameter.tenant
if parameter.tag != _|_ {
tag: parameter.tag
content: parameter.content
parameter: {
// +usage=Configuration ID
dataId: string
// +usage=Configuration group
group: *"DEFAULT_GROUP" | string
// +usage=The configuration content.
content: {
contentType: *"json" | "yaml" | "properties" | "toml"
// +usage=The app name of the configuration
appName?: string
// +usage=The namespaceId of the configuration
namespaceId?: string
// +usage=The tenant, corresponding to the namespace ID field of Nacos
tenant?: string
// +usage=The tag of the configuration
tag?: string
Alibaba Cloud Provider
The Config Template is part of the . You could get or share the templates via addons.