Using ExternalDNS on Google Cloud Platform to automate DNS setup

    This doc explains how to set up ExternalDNS within a Knative cluster using Google Cloud DNS to automate the process of publishing the Knative domain.

    Run the following command to configure the environment variables

    There are two ways to set up a Kubernetes Engine cluster with CloudDNS read/write permissions.

    You can create a GKE cluster with Cloud DNS scope by entering the following command:

    1. --zone=$CLUSTER_ZONE \
    2. --cluster-version=latest \
    3. --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
    4. --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=10 \
    5. --enable-autorepair \
    6. --scopes=service-control,service-management,compute-rw,storage-ro,cloud-platform,logging-write,monitoring-write,pubsub,datastore,"" \
    7. --num-nodes=3

    Note that by using this way, any pod within the cluster will have permissions to read/write CloudDNS.

    Cluster with Cloud DNS Admin Service Account credential

    1. Create a GKE cluster without Cloud DNS scope by entering the following command:
    1. gcloud container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
    2. --zone=$CLUSTER_ZONE \
    3. --cluster-version=latest \
    4. --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \
    5. --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes=1 --max-nodes=10 \
    6. --enable-autorepair \
    7. --scopes=service-control,service-management,compute-rw,storage-ro,cloud-platform,logging-write,monitoring-write,pubsub,datastore \
    8. --num-nodes=3
    1. Create a new service account for Cloud DNS admin role.
    1. # Name of the service account you want to create.
    2. export CLOUD_DNS_SA=cloud-dns-admin
    3. gcloud --project $PROJECT_NAME iam service-accounts \
    4. create $CLOUD_DNS_SA \
    5. --display-name "Service Account to support ACME DNS-01 challenge."
    1. Bind the role dns.admin to the newly created service account.
    1. # Fully-qualified service account name also has project-id information.
    2. export CLOUD_DNS_SA=$CLOUD_DNS_SA@$
    3. gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_NAME \
    4. --member serviceAccount:$CLOUD_DNS_SA \
    5. --role roles/dns.admin
    1. Download the secret key file for your service account.
    1. gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ~/key.json \
    2. --iam-account=$CLOUD_DNS_SA
    1. Upload the service account credential to your cluster. This command uses the secret name cloud-dns-key, but you can choose a different name.
    1. kubectl create secret generic cloud-dns-key \
    2. --from-file=key.json=$HOME/key.json
    1. Delete the local secret
    1. rm ~/key.json

    Now your cluster has the credential of your CloudDNS admin service account. And it can be used to access your Cloud DNS. You can enforce the access of the credentail secret within your cluster, so that only the pods that have the permission to get the credential secret can access your Cloud DNS.

    1. Follow the instruction to install Knative on your cluster.

    This command opens your default text editor and allows you to edit the config map.

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. data:
    3. ""
    4. kind: ConfigMap
    5. [...]

    Edit the file to replace with your custom domain (the value of $CUSTOM_DOMAIN) and save your changes. In this example, we use domain for all routes:

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. data:
    3. ""
    4. kind: ConfigMap
    5. [...]

    Skip this step if you already have a zone for managing the DNS records of your custom domain.

    A DNS zone which will contain the managed DNS records needs to be created.

    Use the following command to create a DNS zone with :

    1. export DNS_ZONE_NAME=<dns-zone-name>
    2. gcloud dns managed-zones create $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
    3. --dns-name $CUSTOM_DOMAIN \
    4. --description "Automatically managed zone by"

    Make a note of the nameservers that were assigned to your new zone.

    1. gcloud dns record-sets list \
    2. --zone $DNS_ZONE_NAME \
    3. --name $CUSTOM_DOMAIN \
    4. --type NS

    You should see output similar to the following assuming your custom domain is

    2. NS 21600,,,

    In this case, the DNS nameservers are ns-cloud-{e1-e4} Yours could differ slightly, e.g. {a1-a4}, {b1-b4} etc.

    If this zone has the parent zone, you need to add NS records of this zone into the parent zone so that this zone can be found from the parent. Assuming the parent zone is my-org-do and the parent domain is, and the parent zone is also hosted at Google Cloud DNS, you can follow these steps to add the NS records of this zone into the parent zone:

    1. gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone "my-org-do"
    2. gcloud dns record-sets transaction add ns-cloud-e{1..4} \
    3. --name "" --ttl 300 --type NS --zone "my-org-do"
    4. gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute --zone "my-org-do"

    Deploy ExternalDNS

    Firstly, choose the manifest of ExternalDNS.

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ServiceAccount
    3. metadata:
    4. name: external-dns
    5. ---
    6. apiVersion:
    7. kind: ClusterRole
    8. metadata:
    9. name: external-dns
    10. rules:
    11. - apiGroups: [""]
    12. resources: ["services"]
    13. verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
    14. - apiGroups: [""]
    15. resources: ["pods"]
    16. verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
    17. - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
    18. resources: ["ingresses"]
    19. verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
    20. - apiGroups: [""]
    21. resources: ["nodes"]
    22. verbs: ["list"]
    23. ---
    24. apiVersion:
    25. kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    26. metadata:
    27. roleRef:
    28. apiGroup:
    29. kind: ClusterRole
    30. name: external-dns
    31. - kind: ServiceAccount
    32. name: external-dns
    33. namespace: default
    34. ---
    35. apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    36. kind: Deployment
    37. metadata:
    38. name: external-dns
    39. spec:
    40. strategy:
    41. type: Recreate
    42. template:
    43. metadata:
    44. labels:
    45. app: external-dns
    46. spec:
    47. serviceAccountName: external-dns
    48. containers:
    49. - name: external-dns
    50. image:
    51. args:
    52. - --source=service
    53. - --domain-filter=$CUSTOM_DOMAIN # will make ExternalDNS see only the hosted zones matching provided domain, omit to process all available hosted zones
    54. - --provider=google
    55. - --google-project=$PROJECT_NAME # Use this to specify a project different from the one external-dns is running inside
    56. - --policy=sync # would prevent ExternalDNS from deleting any records, omit to enable full synchronization
    57. - --registry=txt
    58. - --txt-owner-id=my-identifier

    Or use below manifest if you set up your cluster with .

    Then use the following command to apply the manifest you chose to install ExternalDNS

    1. cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --filename -
    2. <your-chosen-manifest>
    3. EOF

    You should see ExternalDNS is installed by running:

    1. kubectl get deployment external-dns

    In order to publish the Knative Gateway service, the annotation '*.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN needs to be added into Knative gateway service:

    1. INGRESSGATEWAY=istio-ingressgateway
    2. kubectl edit svc $INGRESSGATEWAY --namespace istio-system

    This command opens your default text editor and allows you to add the annotation to istio-ingressgateway service. After you’ve added your annotation, your file may look similar to this (assuming your custom domain is

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: Service
    3. metadata:
    4. annotations:
    5. '*'
    6. ...

    Verify ExternalDNS works

    After roughly two minutes, check that a corresponding DNS record for your service was created.

    1. gcloud dns record-sets list --zone $DNS_ZONE_NAME --name "*.$CUSTOM_DOMAIN."

    You should see output similar to:

    2. * A 300
    3. * TXT 300 "heritage=external-dns,external-dns/owner=my-identifier,external-dns/resource=service/istio-system/istio-ingressgateway"

    You can check if the domain has been published to the Internet be entering the following command: