Accessing request traces
If you have not yet installed the logging and monitoring components, go through the installation instructions to set up the necessary components.
You can update the configuration file for tracing in .
Follow the instructions in the file to set your configuration options. This file includes options such as sample rate (to determine what percentage of requests to trace), debug mode, and backend selection (zipkin or stackdriver).
You can quickly explore and update the ConfigMap object with the following command:
To open the Zipkin UI, enter the following command:
This command starts a local proxy of Zipkin on port 8001. For security reasons, the Zipkin UI is exposed only within the cluster.
Navigate to the Zipkin UI.
To open the Jaeger UI, enter the following command:
This command starts a local proxy of Jaeger on port 8001. For security reasons, the Jaeger UI is exposed only within the cluster.
Navigate to the .