Jest 平台工具

    用于识别 git/hg 存储库中已修改文件的工具。 导出两个函数:

    • 返回一个resolved状态的Promise,此Promise包含修改文件和仓库信息。
    • findRepos 返回一个resolved状态的Promise,此Promise包含指定路径的一组仓库数据。

    获取更多信息,请关注jest-changed-files中的 Readme


    数据更改的可视化工具。 输出一个函数,两个任何类型的值输入该函数后,返回一个“较易读”的字符串来展现其区别。


    1. const {diff} = require('jest-diff');
    2. const a = {a: {b: {c: 5}}};
    3. const b = {a: {b: {c: 6}}};
    4. const result = diff(a, b);
    5. // print diff
    6. console.log(result);

    Tool for extracting and parsing the comments at the top of a JavaScript file. Exports various functions to manipulate the data inside the comment block. Exports various functions to manipulate the data inside the comment block.


    Module that identifies the primitive type of any JavaScript value. Module that identifies the primitive type of any JavaScript value. Exports a function that returns a string with the type of the value passed as argument.


    1. const {getType} = require('jest-get-type');
    2. const nullValue = null;
    3. const undefinedValue = undefined;
    4. // prints 'array'
    5. console.log(getType(array));
    6. // prints 'null'
    7. console.log(getType(nullValue));
    8. console.log(getType(undefinedValue));

    用于验证用户提交的配置的工具。 Exports a function that takes two arguments: the user’s configuration and an object containing an example configuration and other options. The return value is an object with two attributes: The return value is an object with two attributes:

    • hasDeprecationWarnings, a boolean indicating whether the submitted configuration has deprecation warnings,
    • isValid, 一个布尔值, 指示配置是否正确。

    You can read more about jest-validate in the .


    用于任务并行化的模块。 导出一个 Worker 类,传入 Node.js 的路径,可以让你调用模块导出的方法,就像是这个类的方法一样,返回一个承诺,当指定的方法在分支进程里执行完成的时候就会解析。


    1. module.exports = {
    2. // long running CPU intensive task.
    3. },
    4. };


    You can read more about jest-worker in the readme file.

    Exports a function that converts any JavaScript value into a human-readable string. Supports all built-in JavaScript types out of the box and allows extension for application-specific types via user-defined plugins. Supports all built-in JavaScript types out of the box and allows extension for application-specific types via user-defined plugins.

    1. const {format: prettyFormat} = require('pretty-format');
    2. const val = {object: {}};
    3. val.circularReference = val;
    4. val[Symbol('foo')] = 'foo';
    5. = new Map([['prop', 'value']]);
    6. val.array = [-0, Infinity, NaN];
    7. console.log(prettyFormat(val));

    You can read more about pretty-format in the .