
    Generate the autocompletion script for pilot-discovery for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.

    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion bash

    Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

    This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    source <(pilot-discovery completion bash)

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    pilot-discovery completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/pilot-discovery

    #### macOS:

    pilot-discovery completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/pilot-discovery

    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion fish

    Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    pilot-discovery completion fish | source

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    pilot-discovery completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/pilot-discovery.fish

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

    1. pilot-discovery completion fish [flags]

    Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    pilot-discovery completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

    To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.

    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
    —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

    pilot-discovery completion zsh

    If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

    echo “autoload -U compinit; compinit” >> ~/.zshrc

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    pilot-discovery completion zsh > “${fpath[1]}/_pilot-discovery”

    #### macOS:

    pilot-discovery completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_pilot-discovery

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

      —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions
      —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

      pilot-discovery discovery

      Start Istio proxy discovery service.

      Makes an HTTP request to Pilot metrics/debug endpoint

      1. pilot-discovery request <method> <path> [<body>] [flags]
      —vklog <Level>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: —vklog=9 (default 0)

      pilot-discovery version

      —output <string>-oOne of ‘yaml’ or ‘json’. (default `)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--short</code></td><td><code>-s</code></td><td>Use --short=false to generate full version information</td></tr><tr><td><code>--vklog &lt;Level&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>number for the log level verbosity. Like -v flag. ex: --vklog=9 (default0`)

      Environment variables

      These environment variables affect the behavior of the pilot-discovery command. Please use with caution as these environment variables are experimental and can change anytime.

      Metric NameTypeDescription
      auto_registration_deletes_totalSumTotal number of auto registration cleaned up by periodic timer.
      auto_registration_errors_totalSumTotal number of auto registration errors.
      auto_registration_success_totalSumTotal number of successful auto registrations.
      auto_registration_unregister_totalSumTotal number of unregistrations.
      auto_registration_updates_totalSumTotal number of auto registration updates.
      citadel_server_authentication_failure_countSumThe number of authentication failures.
      citadel_server_cert_chain_expiry_timestampLastValueThe unix timestamp, in seconds, when Citadel cert chain will expire. A negative time indicates the cert is expired.
      citadel_server_csr_countSumThe number of CSRs received by Citadel server.
      citadel_server_csr_parsing_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when parsing the CSR.
      citadel_server_csr_sign_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when signing the CSR.
      citadel_server_id_extraction_err_countSumThe number of errors occurred when extracting the ID from CSR.
      citadel_server_root_cert_expiry_timestampLastValueThe unix timestamp, in seconds, when Citadel root cert will expire. A negative time indicates the cert is expired.
      citadel_server_success_cert_issuance_countSumThe number of certificates issuances that have succeeded.
      controller_sync_errors_totalSumTotal number of errorMetric syncing controllers.
      endpoint_no_podLastValueEndpoints without an associated pod.
      galley_validation_config_delete_errorCountk8s webhook configuration delete error
      galley_validation_config_loadCountk8s webhook configuration (re)loads
      galley_validation_config_load_errorCountk8s webhook configuration (re)load error
      galley_validation_config_update_errorCountk8s webhook configuration update error
      galley_validation_config_updatesCountk8s webhook configuration updates
      galley_validation_failedSumResource validation failed
      galley_validation_http_errorSumResource validation http serve errors
      galley_validation_passedSumResource is valid
      istio_buildLastValueIstio component build info
      istiod_managed_clustersLastValueNumber of clusters managed by istiod
      num_outgoing_retriesSumNumber of outgoing retry requests (e.g. to a token exchange server, CA, etc.)
      pilot_conflict_inbound_listenerLastValueNumber of conflicting inbound listeners.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_http_over_current_tcpLastValueNumber of conflicting wildcard http listeners with current wildcard tcp listener.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_tcp_over_current_httpLastValueNumber of conflicting wildcard tcp listeners with current wildcard http listener.
      pilot_conflict_outbound_listener_tcp_over_current_tcpLastValueNumber of conflicting tcp listeners with current tcp listener.
      pilot_destrule_subsetsLastValueDuplicate subsets across destination rules for same host
      pilot_duplicate_envoy_clustersLastValueDuplicate envoy clusters caused by service entries with same hostname
      pilot_eds_no_instancesLastValueNumber of clusters without instances.
      pilot_endpoint_not_readyLastValueEndpoint found in unready state.
      pilot_inbound_updatesSumTotal number of updates received by pilot.
      pilot_jwks_resolver_network_fetch_fail_totalSumTotal number of failed network fetch by pilot jwks resolver
      pilot_jwks_resolver_network_fetch_success_totalSumTotal number of successfully network fetch by pilot jwks resolver
      pilot_k8s_cfg_eventsSumEvents from k8s config.
      pilot_k8s_endpoints_pending_podLastValueNumber of endpoints that do not currently have any corresponding pods.
      pilot_k8s_endpoints_with_no_podsSumEndpoints that does not have any corresponding pods.
      pilot_k8s_reg_eventsSumEvents from k8s registry.
      pilot_no_ipLastValuePods not found in the endpoint table, possibly invalid.
      pilot_proxy_convergence_timeDistributionDelay in seconds between config change and a proxy receiving all required configuration.
      pilot_proxy_queue_timeDistributionTime in seconds, a proxy is in the push queue before being dequeued.
      pilot_push_triggersSumTotal number of times a push was triggered, labeled by reason for the push.
      pilot_sds_certificate_errors_totalSumTotal number of failures to fetch SDS key and certificate.
      pilot_servicesLastValueTotal services known to pilot.
      pilot_total_rejected_configsSumTotal number of configs that Pilot had to reject or ignore.
      pilot_total_xds_internal_errorsSumTotal number of internal XDS errors in pilot.
      pilot_total_xds_rejectsSumTotal number of XDS responses from pilot rejected by proxy.
      pilot_virt_servicesLastValueTotal virtual services known to pilot.
      pilot_vservice_dup_domainLastValueVirtual services with dup domains.
      pilot_xdsLastValueNumber of endpoints connected to this pilot using XDS.
      pilot_xds_cds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected CDS configs.
      pilot_xds_config_size_bytesDistributionDistribution of configuration sizes pushed to clients
      pilot_xds_delayed_push_timeouts_totalSumTotal number of XDS pushes that are delayed and timed out
      pilot_xds_delayed_pushes_totalSumTotal number of XDS pushes that are delayed.
      pilot_xds_eds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected EDS.
      pilot_xds_expired_nonceSumTotal number of XDS requests with an expired nonce.
      pilot_xds_lds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected LDS.
      pilot_xds_push_context_errorsSumNumber of errors (timeouts) initiating push context.
      pilot_xds_push_timeDistributionTotal time in seconds Pilot takes to push lds, rds, cds and eds.
      pilot_xds_pushesSumPilot build and send errors for lds, rds, cds and eds.
      pilot_xds_rds_rejectLastValuePilot rejected RDS.
      pilot_xds_send_timeDistributionTotal time in seconds Pilot takes to send generated configuration.
      pilot_xds_write_timeoutSumPilot XDS response write timeouts.
      remote_cluster_sync_timeouts_totalSumNumber of times remote clusters took too long to sync, causing slow startup that excludes remote clusters.
      scrape_failures_totalSumThe total number of failed scrapes.
      scrapes_totalSumThe total number of scrapes.
      sidecar_injection_failure_totalSumTotal number of failed sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_requests_totalSumTotal number of sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_skip_totalSumTotal number of skipped sidecar injection requests.
      sidecar_injection_success_totalSumTotal number of successful sidecar injection requests.
      startup_duration_secondsLastValueThe time from the process starting to being marked ready.
      wasm_cache_entriesLastValuenumber of Wasm remote fetch cache entries.
      wasm_cache_lookup_countSumnumber of Wasm remote fetch cache lookups.
      wasm_config_conversion_countSumnumber of Wasm config conversion count and results, including success, no remote load, marshal failure, remote fetch failure, miss remote fetch hint.
      wasm_config_conversion_durationDistributionTotal time in milliseconds istio-agent spends on converting remote load in Wasm config.
      wasm_remote_fetch_countSumnumber of Wasm remote fetches and results, including success, download failure, and checksum mismatch.
      webhook_patch_attempts_totalSumWebhook patching attempts
      webhook_patch_failures_totalSumWebhook patching total failures
      webhook_patch_retries_totalSumWebhook patching retries
      xds_cache_evictionsSumTotal number of xds cache evictions.
      xds_cache_readsSumTotal number of xds cache xdsCacheReads.
      LastValueCurrent size of xds cache