
    Generate the autocompletion script for install-cni for the specified shell. See each sub-command’s help for details on how to use the generated script.

    —ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use ‘*’ to indicate all addresses. (default localhost)
    —ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default 9876)
    —log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
    —log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_output_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>The path for the optional rotating log file (default)
    —log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default 30)
    —log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default 1000)
    —log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default 104857600)
    —log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,… where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:none)
    —log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default [stdout])

    install-cni completion bash

    Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

    This script depends on the ‘bash-completion’ package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS’s package manager.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    source <(install-cni completion bash)

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    install-cni completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/install-cni

    #### macOS:

    install-cni completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/install-cni

    1. install-cni completion bash
    —ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use ‘*’ to indicate all addresses. (default localhost)
    —ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default 9876)
    —log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
    —log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_output_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>The path for the optional rotating log file (default)
    —log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default 30)
    —log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default 1000)
    —log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default 104857600)
    —log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,… where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:none)
    —log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default [stdout])
    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions

    Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    install-cni completion fish | source

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    install-cni completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

    install-cni completion powershell

    Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.

    To load completions in your current shell session:

    install-cni completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

    To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command to your powershell profile.

    1. install-cni completion powershell [flags]
    —ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use ‘*’ to indicate all addresses. (default localhost)
    —ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default 9876)
    —log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
    —log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_output_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>The path for the optional rotating log file (default)
    —log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default 30)
    —log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default 1000)
    —log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default 104857600)
    —log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,… where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:none)
    —log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default [stdout])
    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions

    If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

    echo “autoload -U compinit; compinit” >> ~/.zshrc

    To load completions for every new session, execute once:

    #### Linux:

    install-cni completion zsh > “${fpath[1]}/_install-cni”

    #### macOS:

    install-cni completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_install-cni

    You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

    —ctrlz_address <string>The IP Address to listen on for the ControlZ introspection facility. Use ‘*’ to indicate all addresses. (default localhost)
    —ctrlz_port <uint16>The IP port to use for the ControlZ introspection facility (default 9876)
    —log_as_jsonWhether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format
    —log_caller <string>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_output_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:info`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td>The path for the optional rotating log file (default)
    —log_rotate_max_age <int>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default 30)
    —log_rotate_max_backups <int>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default 1000)
    —log_rotate_max_size <int>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default 104857600)
    —log_stacktrace_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope:level>,… where scope can be one of [all, cni, default, install, klog, repair] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:none)
    —log_target <stringArray>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default [stdout])
    —no-descriptionsdisable completion descriptions

    install-cni version

    Prints out build version information

    1. install-cni version [flags]

    These environment variables affect the behavior of the install-cni command. Please use with caution as these environment variables are experimental and can change anytime.

    Variable NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
    AUTO_RELOAD_PLUGIN_CERTSBooleanfalseIf enabled, if user introduces new intermediate plug-in CA, user need not to restart istiod to pick up certs.Istiod picks newly added intermediate plug-in CA certs and updates it. Plug-in new Root-CA not supported.
    CERT_SIGNER_DOMAINStringThe cert signer domain info
    CHAINED_CNI_PLUGINBooleantrueWhether to install CNI plugin as a chained or standalone
    CLUSTER_IDStringKubernetesDefines the cluster and service registry that this Istiod instance is belongs to
    CNI_CONF_NAMEStringName of the CNI configuration file
    CNI_ENABLE_INSTALLBooleantrueWhether to install CNI configuration and binary files
    CNI_ENABLE_REINSTALLBooleantrueWhether to reinstall CNI configuration and binary files
    CNI_NETWORK_CONFIGStringCNI configuration template as a string
    CNI_NETWORK_CONFIG_FILEStringCNI config template as a file
    CNI_NET_DIRString/etc/cni/net.dDirectory on the host where CNI network plugins are installed
    ENABLE_AUTO_MTLS_CHECK_POLICIESBooleantrueEnable the auto mTLS EDS output to consult the PeerAuthentication Policy, only set the {tlsMode: istio} when server side policy enables mTLS PERMISSIVE or STRICT.
    ENABLE_AUTO_SNIBooleanfalseIf enabled, automatically set SNI when DestinationRules do not specify the same
    ENABLE_CA_SERVERBooleantrueIf this is set to false, will not create CA server in istiod.
    ENABLE_DEBUG_ON_HTTPBooleantrueIf this is set to false, the debug interface will not be enabled, recommended for production
    ENABLE_LEGACY_FSGROUP_INJECTIONBooleantrueIf true, Istiod will set the pod fsGroup to 1337 on injection. This is required for Kubernetes 1.18 and older (see for details) unless JWT_POLICY is “first-party-jwt”.
    ENABLE_LEGACY_LB_ALGORITHM_DEFAULTBooleanfalseIf enabled, destinations for which no LB algorithm is specified will use the legacy default, ROUND_ROBIN. Care should be taken when using ROUND_ROBIN in general as it can overburden endpoints, especially when weights are used.
    ENABLE_MCS_AUTO_EXPORTBooleanfalseIf enabled, istiod will automatically generate Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) ServiceExport resources for every service in the mesh. Services defined to be cluster-local in MeshConfig are excluded.
    ENABLE_MCS_CLUSTER_LOCALBooleanfalseIf enabled, istiod will treat the host &lt;svc&gt;.&lt;namespace&gt;.svc.cluster.local as defined by the Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) spec. In this mode, requests to cluster.local will be routed to only those endpoints residing within the same cluster as the client. Requires that both ENABLE_MCS_SERVICE_DISCOVERY and ENABLE_MCS_HOST also be enabled.
    ENABLE_MCS_HOSTBooleanfalseIf enabled, istiod will configure a Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) host (<svc>.<namespace>.svc.clusterset.local) for each service exported (via ServiceExport) in at least one cluster. Clients must, however, be able to successfully lookup these DNS hosts. That means that either Istio DNS interception must be enabled or an MCS controller must be used. Requires that ENABLE_MCS_SERVICE_DISCOVERY also be enabled.
    ENABLE_MCS_SERVICE_DISCOVERYBooleanfalseIf enabled, istiod will enable Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) service discovery mode. In this mode, service endpoints in a cluster will only be discoverable within the same cluster unless explicitly exported via ServiceExport.
    ENABLE_MULTICLUSTER_HEADLESSBooleantrueIf true, the DNS name table for a headless service will resolve to same-network endpoints in any cluster.
    ENABLE_TLS_ON_SIDECAR_INGRESSBooleanfalseIf enabled, the TLS configuration on Sidecar.ingress will take effect
    ENABLE_WASM_TELEMETRYBooleanfalseIf enabled, Wasm-based telemetry will be enabled.
    EXTERNAL_ISTIODBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, one Istiod will control remote clusters including CA.
    INJECTION_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_NAMEStringistio-sidecar-injectorName of the mutatingwebhookconfiguration to patch, if istioctl is not used.
    ISTIOD_CUSTOM_HOSTStringCustom host name of istiod that istiod signs the server cert. Multiple custom host names are supported, and multiple values are separated by commas.
    ISTIO_AGENT_ENABLE_WASM_REMOTE_LOAD_CONVERSIONBooleantrueIf enabled, Istio agent will intercept ECDS resource update, downloads Wasm module, and replaces Wasm module remote load with downloaded local module file.
    ISTIO_DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sDefault Http and gRPC Request timeout
    ISTIO_DELTA_XDSBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will only send the delta configs as opposed to the state of the world on a Resource Request. This feature uses the delta xds api, but does not currently send the actual deltas.
    ISTIO_GATEWAY_STRIP_HOST_PORTBooleanfalseIf enabled, Gateway will remove any port from host/authority header before any processing of request by HTTP filters or routing.
    ISTIO_GPRC_MAXRECVMSGSIZEInteger4194304Sets the max receive buffer size of gRPC stream in bytes.
    ISTIO_GPRC_MAXSTREAMSInteger100000Sets the maximum number of concurrent grpc streams.
    ISTIO_MULTIROOT_MESHBooleanfalseIf enabled, mesh will support certificates signed by more than one trustAnchor for ISTIO_MUTUAL mTLS
    ISTIO_OUTBOUND_OWNER_GROUPSStringComma separated list of groups whose outgoing traffic is to be redirected to Envoy. A group can be specified either by name or by a numeric GID. The wildcard character ““ can be used to configure redirection of traffic from all groups.
    ISTIO_OUTBOUND_OWNER_GROUPS_EXCLUDEStringComma separated list of groups whose outgoing traffic is to be excluded from redirection to Envoy. A group can be specified either by name or by a numeric GID. Only applies when traffic from all groups (i.e. “*”) is being redirected to Envoy.
    JWT_POLICYStringthird-party-jwtThe JWT validation policy.
    KUBECFG_FILE_NAMEStringZZZ-istio-cni-kubeconfigName of the kubeconfig file which CNI plugin will use when interacting with API server
    KUBECONFIG_MODEInteger384File mode of the kubeconfig file
    KUBE_CA_FILEStringCA file for kubeconfig. Defaults to the same as install-cni pod
    LABEL_CANONICAL_SERVICES_FOR_MESH_EXTERNAL_SERVICE_ENTRIESBooleanfalseIf enabled, metadata representing canonical services for ServiceEntry resources with a location of mesh_external will be populatedin the cluster metadata for those endpoints.
    LOG_LEVELStringwarnFallback value for log level in CNI config file, if not specified in helm template
    LOG_UDS_ADDRESSString/var/run/istio-cni/log.sockThe UDS server address which CNI plugin will copy log ouptut to
    MCS_API_GROUPStringmulticluster.x-k8s.ioThe group to be used for the Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) API.
    MCS_API_VERSIONStringv1alpha1The version to be used for the Kubernets Multi-Cluster Services (MCS) API.
    MONITORING_PORTInteger15014HTTP port to serve prometheus metrics
    MOUNTED_CNI_NET_DIRString/host/etc/cni/net.dDirectory on the container where CNI networks are installed
    PILOT_ANALYSIS_INTERVALTime Duration10sIf analysis is enabled, pilot will run istio analyzers using this value as interval in seconds Istio Resources
    PILOT_CERT_PROVIDERStringistiodThe provider of Pilot DNS certificate.
    PILOT_DEBOUNCE_AFTERTime Duration100msThe delay added to config/registry events for debouncing. This will delay the push by at least this interval. If no change is detected within this period, the push will happen, otherwise we’ll keep delaying until things settle, up to a max of PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAX.
    PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAXTime Duration10sThe maximum amount of time to wait for events while debouncing. If events keep showing up with no breaks for this time, we’ll trigger a push.
    PILOT_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY_RETENTIONTime Duration1m0sIf enabled, Pilot will keep track of old versions of distributed config for this duration.
    PILOT_ENABLE_ALPN_FILTERBooleantrueIf true, pilot will add Istio ALPN filters, required for proper protocol sniffing.
    PILOT_ENABLE_ANALYSISBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will run istio analyzers and write analysis errors to the Status field of any Istio Resources
    PILOT_ENABLE_CDS_CACHEBooleantrueIf true, Pilot will cache CDS responses. Note: this depends on PILOT_ENABLE_XDS_CACHE.
    PILOT_ENABLE_CONFIG_DISTRIBUTION_TRACKINGBooleantrueIf enabled, Pilot will assign meaningful nonces to each Envoy configuration message, and allow users to interrogate which envoy has which config from the debug interface.
    PILOT_ENABLE_CROSS_CLUSTER_WORKLOAD_ENTRYBooleantrueIf enabled, pilot will read WorkloadEntry from other clusters, selectable by Services in that cluster.
    PILOT_ENABLE_DESTINATION_RULE_INHERITANCEBooleanfalseIf set, workload specific DestinationRules will inherit configurations settings from mesh and namespace level rules
    PILOT_ENABLE_EDS_DEBOUNCEBooleantrueIf enabled, Pilot will include EDS pushes in the push debouncing, configured by PILOT_DEBOUNCE_AFTER and PILOT_DEBOUNCE_MAX. EDS pushes may be delayed, but there will be fewer pushes. By default this is enabled
    PILOT_ENABLE_EDS_FOR_HEADLESS_SERVICESBooleanfalseIf enabled, for headless service in Kubernetes, pilot will send endpoints over EDS, allowing the sidecar to load balance among pods in the headless service. This feature should be enabled if applications access all services explicitly via a HTTP proxy port in the sidecar.
    PILOT_ENABLE_GATEWAY_APIBooleantrueIf this is set to true, support for Kubernetes gateway-api ( will be enabled. In addition to this being enabled, the gateway-api CRDs need to be installed.
    PILOT_ENABLE_GATEWAY_API_DEPLOYMENT_CONTROLLERBooleantrueIf this is set to true, gateway-api resources will automatically provision in cluster deployment, services, etc
    PILOT_ENABLE_GATEWAY_API_STATUSBooleantrueIf this is set to true, gateway-api resources will have status written to them
    PILOT_ENABLE_HEADLESS_SERVICE_POD_LISTENERSBooleantrueIf enabled, for a headless service/stateful set in Kubernetes, pilot will generate an outbound listener for each pod in a headless service. This feature should be disabled if headless services have a large number of pods.
    PILOT_ENABLE_INBOUND_PASSTHROUGHBooleantrueIf enabled, inbound clusters will be configured as ORIGINAL_DST clusters. When disabled, requests are always sent to localhost. The primary implication of this is that when enabled, binding to POD_IP will work while localhost will not; when disable, bind to POD_IP will not work, while localhost will. The enabled behavior matches the behavior without Istio enabled at all; this flag exists only for backwards compatibility. Regardless of this setting, the configuration can be overridden with the Sidecar.Ingress.DefaultEndpoint configuration.
    PILOT_ENABLE_ISTIO_TAGSBooleantrueDetermines whether or not trace spans generated by Envoy will include Istio-specific tags.
    PILOT_ENABLE_LEGACY_AUTO_PASSTHROUGHBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will allow any upstream cluster to be used with AUTO_PASSTHROUGH. This option is intended for backwards compatibility only and is not secure with untrusted downstreams; it will be removed in the future.
    PILOT_ENABLE_LEGACY_ISTIO_MUTUAL_CREDENTIAL_NAMEBooleanfalseIf enabled, Gateway’s with ISTIO_MUTUAL mode and credentialName configured will use simple TLS. This is to retain legacy behavior only and not recommended for use beyond migration.
    PILOT_ENABLE_METADATA_EXCHANGEBooleantrueIf true, pilot will add metadata exchange filters, which will be consumed by telemetry filter.
    PILOT_ENABLE_MONGO_FILTERBooleantrueEnableMongoFilter enables injection of in the filter chain.
    PILOT_ENABLE_MYSQL_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableMysqlFilter enables injection of in the filter chain.
    PILOT_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_SNIFFING_FOR_INBOUNDBooleanIf enabled, protocol sniffing will be used for inbound listeners whose port protocol is not specified or unsupported
    PILOT_ENABLE_PROTOCOL_SNIFFING_FOR_OUTBOUNDBooleantrueIf enabled, protocol sniffing will be used for outbound listeners whose port protocol is not specified or unsupported
    PILOT_ENABLE_QUIC_LISTENERSBooleanfalseIf true, QUIC listeners will be generated wherever there are listeners terminating TLS on gateways if the gateway service exposes a UDP port with the same number (for example 443/TCP and 443/UDP)
    PILOT_ENABLE_RDS_CACHEBooleantrueIf true, Pilot will cache RDS responses. Note: this depends on PILOT_ENABLE_XDS_CACHE.
    PILOT_ENABLE_REDIS_FILTERBooleanfalseEnableRedisFilter enables injection of in the filter chain.
    PILOT_ENABLE_ROUTE_COLLAPSE_OPTIMIZATIONBooleantrueIf true, Pilot will merge virtual hosts with the same routes into a single virtual host, as an optimization.
    PILOT_ENABLE_SERVICEENTRY_SELECT_PODSBooleantrueIf enabled, service entries with selectors will select pods from the cluster. It is safe to disable it if you are quite sure you don’t need this feature
    PILOT_ENABLE_STATUSBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will update the CRD Status field of all istio resources with reconciliation status.
    PILOT_ENABLE_TELEMETRY_LABELBooleantrueIf true, pilot will add telemetry related metadata to cluster and endpoint resources, which will be consumed by telemetry filter.
    PILOT_ENABLE_WORKLOAD_ENTRY_AUTOREGISTRATIONBooleantrueEnables auto-registering WorkloadEntries based on associated WorkloadGroups upon XDS connection by the workload.
    PILOT_ENABLE_WORKLOAD_ENTRY_HEALTHCHECKSBooleantrueEnables automatic health checks of WorkloadEntries based on the config provided in the associated WorkloadGroup
    PILOT_ENABLE_XDS_CACHEBooleantrueIf true, Pilot will cache XDS responses.
    PILOT_ENABLE_XDS_IDENTITY_CHECKBooleantrueIf enabled, pilot will authorize XDS clients, to ensure they are acting only as namespaces they have permissions for.
    PILOT_ENDPOINT_TELEMETRY_LABELBooleantrueIf true, pilot will add telemetry related metadata to Endpoint resource, which will be consumed by telemetry filter.
    PILOT_ENVOY_FILTER_STATSBooleanfalseIf true, Pilot will collect metrics for envoy filter operations.
    PILOT_FILTER_GATEWAY_CLUSTER_CONFIGBooleanfalseIf enabled, Pilot will send only clusters that referenced in gateway virtual services attached to gateway
    PILOT_FLOW_CONTROL_TIMEOUTTime Duration15sIf set, the max amount of time to delay a push by. Depends on PILOT_ENABLE_FLOW_CONTROL.
    PILOT_HTTP10BooleanfalseEnables the use of HTTP 1.0 in the outbound HTTP listeners, to support legacy applications.
    PILOT_INBOUND_PROTOCOL_DETECTION_TIMEOUTTime Duration1sProtocol detection timeout for inbound listener
    PILOT_INSECURE_MULTICLUSTER_KUBECONFIG_OPTIONSStringComma separated list of potentially insecure kubeconfig authentication options that are allowed for multicluster authentication.Support values: all authProviders (gcp, azure, exec, openstack), clientKey, clientCertificate, tokenFile, and exec.
    PILOT_JWT_ENABLE_REMOTE_JWKSBooleanfalseIf enabled, checks to see if the configured JwksUri in RequestAuthentication is a mesh cluster URL and configures remote Jwks to let Envoy fetch the Jwks instead of Istiod.
    PILOT_JWT_PUB_KEY_REFRESH_INTERVALTime Duration20m0sThe interval for istiod to fetch the jwks_uri for the jwks public key.
    PILOT_LEGACY_INGRESS_BEHAVIORBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, istio ingress will perform the legacy behavior, which does not meet
    PILOT_MAX_REQUESTS_PER_SECONDFloating-Point25Limits the number of incoming XDS requests per second. On larger machines this can be increased to handle more proxies concurrently.
    PILOT_PARTIAL_FULL_PUSHESBooleanfalseIf enabled, pilot will send partial pushes in for child resources (RDS, EDS, etc) when possible. This occurs for EDS in many cases regardless of this setting.
    PILOT_PUSH_THROTTLEInteger100Limits the number of concurrent pushes allowed. On larger machines this can be increased for faster pushes
    PILOT_REMOTE_CLUSTER_TIMEOUTTime Duration30sAfter this timeout expires, pilot can become ready without syncing data from clusters added via remote-secrets. Setting the timeout to 0 disables this behavior.
    PILOT_SCOPE_GATEWAY_TO_NAMESPACEBooleanfalseIf enabled, a gateway workload can only select gateway resources in the same namespace. Gateways with same selectors in different namespaces will not be applicable.
    PILOT_SEND_UNHEALTHY_ENDPOINTSBooleantrueIf enabled, Pilot will include unhealthy endpoints in EDS pushes and even if they are sent Envoy does not use them for load balancing.
    PILOT_SIDECAR_USE_REMOTE_ADDRESSBooleanfalseUseRemoteAddress sets useRemoteAddress to true for side car outbound listeners.
    PILOT_SKIP_VALIDATE_TRUST_DOMAINBooleanfalseSkip validating the peer is from the same trust domain when mTLS is enabled in authentication policy
    PILOT_STATUS_BURSTInteger500If status is enabled, controls the Burst rate with which status will be updated. See Burst
    PILOT_STATUS_MAX_WORKERSInteger100The maximum number of workers Pilot will use to keep configuration status up to date. Smaller numbers will result in higher status latency, but larger numbers may impact CPU in high scale environments.
    PILOT_STATUS_QPSFloating-Point100If status is enabled, controls the QPS with which status will be updated. See QPS
    PILOT_STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVALTime Duration500msInterval to update the XDS distribution status.
    PILOT_TRACE_SAMPLINGFloating-Point1Sets the mesh-wide trace sampling percentage. Should be 0.0 - 100.0. Precision to 0.01. Default is 1.0.
    PILOT_USE_ENDPOINT_SLICEBooleanfalseIf enabled, Pilot will use EndpointSlices as the source of endpoints for Kubernetes services. By default, this is false, and Endpoints will be used. This requires the Kubernetes EndpointSlice controller to be enabled. Currently this is mutual exclusive - either Endpoints or EndpointSlices will be used
    PILOT_WORKLOAD_ENTRY_GRACE_PERIODTime Duration10sThe amount of time an auto-registered workload can remain disconnected from all Pilot instances before the associated WorkloadEntry is cleaned up.
    PILOT_XDS_CACHE_SIZEInteger60000The maximum number of cache entries for the XDS cache.
    PILOT_XDS_CACHE_STATSBooleanfalseIf true, Pilot will collect metrics for XDS cache efficiency.
    PILOT_XDS_SEND_TIMEOUTTime Duration0sThe timeout to send the XDS configuration to proxies. After this timeout is reached, Pilot will discard that push.
    PRIORITIZED_LEADER_ELECTIONBooleantrueIf enabled, the default revision will steal leader locks from non-default revisions key portion of the label which will be set by the ace repair if label pods is true
    REPAIR_BROKEN_POD_LABEL_VALUEStringtrueThe value portion of the label which will be set by the race repair if label pods is true
    REPAIR_DELETE_PODSBooleanfalseController will delete pods when detecting pod broken by race condition
    REPAIR_ENABLEDBooleantrueWhether to enable race condition repair or not
    REPAIR_FIELD_SELECTORSStringA set of field selectors in label=value format that will be added to the pod list filters
    REPAIR_INIT_CONTAINER_EXIT_CODEInteger126Expected exit code for the init container when crash-looping because of CNI misconfiguration
    REPAIR_INIT_CONTAINER_NAMEStringistio-validationThe name of the istio init container (will crash-loop if CNI is not configured for the pod)
    REPAIR_INIT_CONTAINER_TERMINATION_MESSAGEStringThe expected termination message for the init container when crash-looping because of CNI misconfiguration
    REPAIR_LABEL_PODSBooleanfalseController will label pods when detecting pod broken by race condition
    REPAIR_LABEL_SELECTORSStringA set of label selectors in label=value format that will be added to the pod list filters
    REPAIR_NODE_NAMEStringThe name of the managed node (will manage all nodes if unset)
    REPAIR_RUN_AS_DAEMONBooleanfalseController will run in a loop annotation key that indicates this pod contains an istio sidecar. All pods without this annotation will be ignored.The value of the annotation is ignored.
    RESOLVE_HOSTNAME_GATEWAYSBooleantrueIf true, hostnames in the LoadBalancer addresses of a Service will be resolved at the control plane for use in cross-network gateways.
    REWRITE_TCP_PROBESBooleantrueIf false, TCP probes will not be rewritten and therefor always succeed when a sidecar is used.
    SHARED_MESH_CONFIGStringAdditional config map to load for shared MeshConfig settings. The standard mesh config will take precedence.
    SKIP_CNI_BINARIESStringBinaries that should not be installed. Currently Istio only installs one binary istio-cni
    SKIP_TLS_VERIFYBooleanfalseWhether to use insecure TLS in kubeconfig file
    SPIFFE_BUNDLE_ENDPOINTSStringThe SPIFFE bundle trust domain to endpoint mappings. Istiod retrieves the root certificate from each SPIFFE bundle endpoint and uses it to verify client certifiates from that trust domain. The endpoint must be compliant to the SPIFFE Bundle Endpoint standard. For details, please refer to . No need to configure this for root certificates issued via Istiod or web-PKI based root certificates. Use || between <trustdomain, endpoint> tuples. Use | as delimiter between trust domain and endpoint in each tuple. For example: foo|https://url/for/foo||bar|https://url/for/bar
    UNSAFE_ENABLE_ADMIN_ENDPOINTSBooleanfalseIf this is set to true, dangerous admin endpoints will be exposed on the debug interface. Not recommended for production.
    UNSAFE_PILOT_ENABLE_DELTA_TESTBooleanfalseIf enabled, addition runtime tests for Delta XDS efficiency are added. These checks are extremely expensive, so this should be used only for testing, not production.
    UNSAFE_PILOT_ENABLE_RUNTIME_ASSERTIONSBooleanfalseIf enabled, addition runtime asserts will be performed. These checks are both expensive and panic on failure. As a result, this should be used only for testing.
    UPDATE_CNI_BINARIESBooleantrueWhether to refresh existing binaries when installing CNI
    VALIDATION_WEBHOOK_CONFIG_NAMEStringistio-istio-systemName of the validatingwebhookconfiguration to patch. Empty will skip using cluster admin to patch.
    VERIFY_CERTIFICATE_AT_CLIENTBooleanfalseIf enabled, certificates received by the proxy will be verified against the OS CA certificate bundle.
    VERIFY_SDS_CERTIFICATEBooleantrueIf enabled, certificates fetched from SDS server will be verified before sending back to proxy.
    XDS_AUTHBooleantrueIf true, will authenticate XDS clients.

    Exported metrics

    Metric NameTypeDescription
    istio_buildLastValueIstio component build info
    istio_cni_install_readyLastValueWhether the CNI plugin installation is ready or not
    istio_cni_installs_totalSumTotal number of CNI plugins installed by the Istio CNI installer
    istio_cni_repair_pods_repaired_totalTotal number of pods repaired by repair controller