Hello World

    • Heaps uses a file to tell it what to compile, how and where to compile it, and which libraries to include.
    • The entry point of a Haxe program is a class containing a static function called main.
    • A simple heaps directory structure will look like this:

    Create your project

    • Create a new directory named helloHeaps
    • Create a new file called compile.hxml
    • -cp src Tells haxe where to search for your code files
    • -lib heaps Tells haxe to import the heaps library
    • -js hello.js Tells haxe to compile to javascript in the project directory
    • -main Main Tells haxe that Main.hx is your entry point
    • haxe to run in debug mode

    This will tell the compiler that we are using the library Heaps, that we will compile to JavaScript hello.js output, and that our main class should be Main.hx file.

    The -debug file allows generation of source maps in order to be able to debug your JS application.

    At this point, you can open the helloHeaps folder with VSCode by launching VSCode and navigating the main menu File > Open Folder

    Create Hello World example

    Create a new Main.hx in a src folder in your project directory and put the following content

    This example creates a Heaps Text component, adds it to the 2D scene and set its text.

    If it does not already exist, create a .vscode directory in your project folder and create a new file called launch.json.

    Add the following code to the file:

    Now, in your project directory, create a file index.html and add the following code to it:

    Now, by hitting F5, the project will compile and run.

    If everything works well, you should now have both hello.js and files created in your project folder:



    In order to Run with Chrome, you need Chrome Debugger VSCode extension. Open again the Extension manager and search for Chrome to install it:

    You can put breakpoints into your Heaps application by clicking in the margin to left to the line number in your source code. You can then start again the problem and see it break at the desired position.