Git 与 GitHub 工具推荐


    Mac OS X with Homebrew

    Intellij IDEA

    SourceTree 方便用来查看一些非我写的项目,寻找其中的一些问题。个中缘由便是:Intelli IDEA 刚打开某个项目的时候,需要花费大量的时间 index,只可惜现有的 SourceTree 客户端都需要登录 Atlassian 账户了。

    GitHub Desktop

    GitHub Desktop

    1. $ githug
    2. * Githug *
    3. ********************************************************************************
    4. No githug directory found, do you wish to create one? [yn] y
    5. Welcome to Githug!
    6. Name: init
    7. Difficulty: *
    8. A new directory, `git_hug`, has been created; initialize an empty repository in it.
    1. #1: init
    2. #2: config
    3. #3: add
    4. #5: clone
    5. #6: clone_to_folder
    6. #8: include
    7. #9: status
    8. #10: number_of_files_committed
    9. #11: rm
    10. #12: rm_cached
    11. #13: stash
    12. #14: rename
    13. #15: restructure
    14. #16: log
