Learn Web Browsers

    The (on any device) are:
    1. Chrome (engine: + V8)
    2. (engine: Gecko + )
    3. Internet Explorer (engine: + Chakra)
    4. (engine: Webkit + )

    Evolution of Browsers & Web Technologies (i.e., APIs)
    The Most Commonly Used Headless Browser Are:
    How Browsers Work

    Learn Web Browsers - 图1

    Image source:

    Optimizing for Browsers:
    Comparing Browsers
    Browser Hacks
    • [read]
    Developing for Browsers
    Evergreen Browsers

    The latest versions of most modern browsers are considered evergreen browsers. That is, in theory they are suppose to automatically update themselves silently without prompting the user. This move towards self updating browsers has been in reaction to the slow process of eliminating older browsers that do not auto-update.

    Picking a Browser [^1]

    As of today, most front-end developers use Chrome and “Chrome Dev Tools” to develop front-end code. However, the most used modern browsers all offer a flavor of developer tools. Picking one to use for development is a subjective choice. The more important issue is knowing which browsers, on which devices, you have to support and then testing appropriately.