In 2018 expect…

    • Nothing will change or slow the usage or popularity of React for many years to come.
    • GraphQL will a lot of REST API’s this year.
    • The web will continue to become more native-like with offline capabilities and seamless mobile experiences.
    • HTML 5.3 is coming.
    • Keep an eye on /introducing-turbo-5x-faster-than-yarn-npm-and-runs-natively-in-browser-cc2c39715403">turbo, a blazing fast NPM client.
    • Expect to learn and use CSS transforms 3d, , CSS flexbox, , CSS grid
    • Still waiting on to peak. This will likely require tooling.
    • Universal/isomorphic JavaScript solutions continue to evolve e.g. and Sapper.
    • Web components still lurk and wait for significant traction from developers.
    • I believe the end is in sight for as PostCSS, , and CSS in JS take over.
    • Older server centric application patterns show but with a spin. The pendulum could to swinging away from strick SPA applications. People will begin to and return to things like pjax (A mix of SPA and Server-side Rendering. See ).
    • Progressive Web Applications hopefully will catch fire. If they don’t, I fear they never will. At least not in there current form.
    • Vue.js /core-vs-angular-vs-react-vs-vue">usage will likely overtake all Angular usage.
    • AR/AV, AI, and chat bots will continue to evolve and find there sweet spot.
    • JavaScript and Generators will likely go unnoticed by most front-end developers.
    • More developers will divorce themselves from plain JavaScript and try marry . But, just like in marital divorce one always takes most of the same problems with them to the greener grass and little actually changes. Preferences and values just get re-prioritized and history will repeat itself.
    • Webpack 4 will happen, and be better, due to competition!
    • Continued for the ideal CSS solution for a tree of UI components will not cease.