Connectors and Formats

    An overview of available connectors and formats is available for both DataStream and .

    • which is a thin JAR including only the connector code, but excluding eventual third-party dependencies

    The same applies for formats as well. Note that some connectors may not have a corresponding artifact because they do not require third-party dependencies.

    Using artifacts

    In order to use a connector/format module, you can either:

    • Shade the thin JAR and its transitive dependencies in your job JAR
    • Copy the uber JAR directly in the folder of the Flink distribution

    Deciding whether to shade the uber JAR, the thin JAR or just include the dependency in the distribution is up to you and your use case. If you shade a dependency, you will have more control over the dependency version in the job JAR. In case of shading the thin JAR, you will have even more control over the transitive dependencies, since you can change the versions without changing the connector version (binary compatibility permitting). In case of embedding the connector uber JAR directly in the Flink distribution folder, you will be able to control in one place connector versions for all jobs.