Table API & SQL

    The Table API and SQL interfaces integrate seamlessly with each other and Flink’s DataStream API. You can easily switch between all APIs and libraries which build upon them. For instance, you can detect patterns from a table using MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause and later use the DataStream API to build alerting based on the matched patterns.

    For more information on how to configure these dependencies for Java and Scala, please refer to the section.

    Where to go next?

    • : Lists pre-defined data types and their properties.
    • Streaming Concepts: Streaming-specific documentation for the Table API or SQL such as configuration of time attributes and handling of updating results.
    • : Supported operations and API for the Table API.
    • SQL: Supported operations and syntax for SQL.
    • : Play around with Flink SQL and submit a table program to a cluster without programming knowledge.

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