INSERT Statement
Single INSERT statement can be executed through the method of the TableEnvironment
. The executeSql()
method for INSERT statement will submit a Flink job immediately, and return a TableResult
instance which associates the submitted job. Multiple INSERT statements can be executed through the addInsertSql()
method of the StatementSet
which can be created by the TableEnvironment.createStatementSet()
method. The addInsertSql()
method is a lazy execution, they will be executed only when StatementSet.execute()
is invoked.
The following examples show how to run a single INSERT statement in TableEnvironment
, run multiple INSERT statements in StatementSet
Single INSERT statement can be executed through the executeSql()
method of the TableEnvironment
. The executeSql()
method for INSERT statement will submit a Flink job immediately, and return a TableResult
instance which associates the submitted job. Multiple INSERT statements can be executed through the addInsertSql()
method of the StatementSet
which can be created by the TableEnvironment.createStatementSet()
method. The addInsertSql()
method is a lazy execution, they will be executed only when StatementSet.execute()
is invoked.
The following examples show how to run a single INSERT statement in TableEnvironment
, run multiple INSERT statements in StatementSet
Single INSERT statement can be executed through the execute_sql()
method of the TableEnvironment
. The execute_sql()
method for INSERT statement will submit a Flink job immediately, and return a TableResult
instance which associates the submitted job. Multiple INSERT statements can be executed through the add_insert_sql()
method of the StatementSet
which can be created by the TableEnvironment.create_statement_set()
method. The add_insert_sql()
method is a lazy execution, they will be executed only when StatementSet.execute()
is invoked.
Single INSERT statement can be executed in SQL CLI.
The following examples show how to run a single INSERT statement in SQL CLI.
val tEnv = TableEnvironment.create(...)
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)")
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE RubberOrders(product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...)")
// run a single INSERT query on the registered source table and emit the result to registered sink table
val tableResult1 = tEnv.executeSql(
"INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%'")
// get job status through TableResult
// register another sink table named "GlassOrders" for multiple INSERT queries
tEnv.executeSql("CREATE TABLE GlassOrders(product VARCHAR, amount INT) WITH (...)")
// run multiple INSERT queries on the registered source table and emit the result to registered sink tables
val stmtSet = tEnv.createStatementSet()
"INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%'")
"INSERT INTO GlassOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Glass%'")
// execute all statements together
val tableResult2 = stmtSet.execute()
// get job status through TableResult
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE Orders (`user` BIGINT, product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...);
[INFO] Table has been created.
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE RubberOrders(product STRING, amount INT) WITH (...);
Flink SQL> INSERT INTO RubberOrders SELECT product, amount FROM Orders WHERE product LIKE '%Rubber%';
[INFO] Table update statement has been successfully submitted to the cluster:
Query Results can be inserted into tables by using the insert clause.
will overwrite any existing data in the table or partition. Otherwise, new data is appended.
clause should contain static partition columns of this inserting.
Given a table T(a INT, b INT, c INT), Flink supports INSERT INTO T(c, b) SELECT x, y FROM S. The expectation is that ‘x’ is written to column ‘c’ and ‘y’ is written to column ‘b’ and ‘a’ is set to NULL (assuming column ‘a’ is nullable).
-- Creates a partitioned table
CREATE TABLE country_page_view (user STRING, cnt INT, date STRING, country STRING)
PARTITIONED BY (date, country)
WITH (...)
INSERT INTO country_page_view PARTITION (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
SELECT user, cnt FROM page_view_source;
-- Appends rows into partition (date, country), where date is static partition with value '2019-8-30',
-- country is dynamic partition whose value is dynamic determined by each row.
INSERT INTO country_page_view PARTITION (date='2019-8-30')
SELECT user, cnt, country FROM page_view_source;
-- Overwrites rows into static partition (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
INSERT OVERWRITE country_page_view PARTITION (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
SELECT user, cnt FROM page_view_source;
-- Overwrites rows into partition (date, country), where date is static partition with value '2019-8-30',
-- country is dynamic partition whose value is dynamic determined by each row.
INSERT OVERWRITE country_page_view PARTITION (date='2019-8-30')
SELECT user, cnt, country FROM page_view_source;
-- Appends rows into the static partition (date='2019-8-30', country='China')
-- the column cnt is set to NULL
INSERT INTO country_page_view PARTITION (date='2019-8-30', country='China') (user)
SELECT user FROM page_view_source;
The INSERT…VALUES statement can be used to insert data into tables directly from SQL.
will overwrite any existing data in the table. Otherwise, new data is appended.
CREATE TABLE students (name STRING, age INT, gpa DECIMAL(3, 2)) WITH (...);