Open File New Project in Visual Studio 2015 and create a new project named .

    Figure 30. Create the FBMVCExample project

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    Figure 31. Change authentication setting

    For now, we will create a web application with no authentication, so click the Change Authentication button to disable authentication. We will get back to this issue .

    Figure 32. Disable authentication for now

    The project that you create will have virtually no functionality, but it already has its basic structure, described briefly in the following table:

    5.4.2. Adding the Missing Packages

    • FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient

    • EntityFramework.Firebird

    • Bootstrap (automatically added by the wizard)

    • jQuery (automatically added by the wizard)

    • Respond (automatically added by the wizard)

    • Newtonsoft.Json

    • Moderninzr (automatically added by the wizard)

    Not all packages provided by NuGet are the latest version of the libraries. It is especially true for JavaScript libraries. You can install the latest versions of JavaScript libraries using a content delivery network (CDN) or by just downloading them and replacing the libraries provided by NuGet.

    Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer and select the Manage NuGet Packages item in the drop-down menu.

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    Figure 33. Select Manage NuGet Packages

    Find and install the necessary packages in the package manager.

    Figure 34. Select packages for installing