
    Controllers work with the model and provide interaction with the user. They also provide view options for displaying the user interface. In an MVC application, views only display data while the controller handles the input and responds to user activities.

    As an example, the controller can process string values in a query and send them to the model, which can use these values to send a query to the database.



    Model objects are the parts of the application that implement the logic for working with the application data. Model objects typically receive the status of the model and save it in the database.

    Interaction between these components is illustrated in the following general diagram:

    The MVC pattern supports the creation of applications whose logical aspects — input, business and interface — are separated but interact closely with one another. The diagram illustrates the location of each logic type in the application:

    More comprehensive information about the ASP.NET MVC technology can be found at the website of the .