Taskbar Customization (Windows)


    Windows 允许应用程序自定义一个菜单栏,当用户右键单击任务栏中的应用图标及可显示该列表。 该上下文菜单被成为 . You specify custom actions in the Tasks category of JumpList, as quoted from :

    注:上面的屏幕截图是 IE 浏览器的任务栏示例

    MacOS里的docker menu是菜单项,然而windows里的user tasks只是一个快捷方式。 举个栗子,当用户点击task的时候,程序将会执行特定的参数。

    To set user tasks for your application, you can use app.setUserTasks API.


    Set user tasks

    Starting with a working application from the , update the main.js file with the following lines:

    Clear tasks list

    To clear your tasks list, you need to call app.setUserTasks with an empty array in the main.js file.

    1. const { app } = require('electron')
    2. app.setUserTasks([])


    As quoted from :


    注:上面的屏幕截图是 Windows 媒体播放器的缩略图工具栏示例

    To set thumbnail toolbar in your application, you need to use BrowserWindow.setThumbarButtons



    Starting with a working application from the , update the file with the following lines:

    Clear thumbnail toolbar

    要清除缩略图工具栏按钮,您需要在 main.js 文件调用 BrowserWindow.setThumbaritons 函数设置为空数组。

    1. const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
    2. const win = new BrowserWindow()
    3. win.setThumbarButtons([])

    在 Windows,任务栏按钮可以使用小型叠加层显示应用程序状态。

    As quoted from :

    To set the overlay icon for a window, you need to use the BrowserWindow.setOverlayIcon API.


    Starting with a working application from the Quick Start Guide, update the main.js file with the following lines:

    在Windows上,你可以突出显示任务栏按钮以获得用户的关注。 这与在 macOS 上 dock 弹跳图标相似。

    As quoted from :

    通常, 会闪现一个窗口, 通知用户该窗口需要注意, 但是该窗口当前没有键盘焦点。

    To flash the BrowserWindow taskbar button, you need to use the BrowserWindow.flashFrame API.


    Starting with a working application from the Quick Start Guide, update the file with the following lines:

    1. const { BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
    2. const win = new BrowserWindow()
    3. win.once('focus', () => win.flashFrame(false))
    4. win.flashFrame(true)

    注意:别忘了调用 win.flashFramework(false) 来关闭闪烁。 在上面的示例中, 当窗口进入焦点时会调用它, 但您可能会使用超时或其他一些事件来禁用它。