• Column definition list:

      column_definition[, column_definition]

      • column_definition

        Column definition:

        column_name column_type [KEY] [aggr_type] [NULL] [default_value] [column_comment]

        • column_type

          Column type, the following types are supported:

          1. TINYINT (1 byte)
          2. Range: -2^7 + 1 ~ 2^7-1
          3. SMALLINT (2 bytes)
          4. Range: -2^15 + 1 ~ 2^15-1
          5. INT (4 bytes)
          6. Range: -2^31 + 1 ~ 2^31-1
          7. BIGINT (8 bytes)
          8. Range: -2^63 + 1 ~ 2^63-1
          9. LARGEINT (16 bytes)
          10. Range: -2^127 + 1 ~ 2^127-1
          11. FLOAT (4 bytes)
          12. Support scientific notation
          13. DOUBLE (12 bytes)
          14. Support scientific notation
          15. DECIMAL[(precision, scale)] (16 bytes)
          16. The decimal type with guaranteed precision. The default is DECIMAL(10, 0)
          17. precision: 1 ~ 27
          18. scale: 0 ~ 9
          19. Where the integer part is 1 ~ 18
          20. Does not support scientific notation
          21. DATE (3 bytes)
          22. Range: 0000-01-01 ~ 9999-12-31
          23. DATETIME (8 bytes)
          24. Range: 0000-01-01 00:00:00 ~ 9999-12-31 23:59:59
          25. CHAR[(length)]
          26. Fixed-length character string. Length range: 1 ~ 255. Default is 1
          27. VARCHAR[(length)]
          28. Variable length character string. Length range: 1 ~ 65533. Default is 1
          29. HLL (1~16385 bytes)
          30. HyperLogLog column type, do not need to specify the length and default value. The length is controlled within the system according to the degree of data aggregation.
          31. Must be used with HLL_UNION aggregation type.
          32. BITMAP
          33. The bitmap column type does not need to specify the length and default value. Represents a collection of integers, and the maximum number of elements supported is 2^64-1.
          34. Must be used with BITMAP_UNION aggregation type.
        • aggr_type

          Aggregation type, the following aggregation types are supported:

          1. SUM: Sum. Applicable numeric types.
          2. MIN: Find the minimum value. Suitable for numeric types.
          3. MAX: Find the maximum value. Suitable for numeric types.
          4. REPLACE: Replace. For rows with the same dimension column, the index column will be imported in the order of import, and the last imported will replace the first imported.
          5. REPLACE_IF_NOT_NULL: non-null value replacement. The difference with REPLACE is that there is no replacement for null values. It should be noted here that the default value should be NULL, not an empty string. If it is an empty string, you should replace it with an empty string.
          6. HLL_UNION: The aggregation method of HLL type columns, aggregated by HyperLogLog algorithm.
          7. BITMAP_UNION: The aggregation mode of BIMTAP type columns, which performs the union aggregation of bitmaps.
        • default_value

          1. Default value of the column. If the load data does not specify a value for this column, the system will assign a default value to this column.
          2. The syntax is: `default default_value`
          3. Currently, the default value supports two forms:
          4. 1. The user specifies a fixed value, such as:
          5. ```SQL
          6. k1 INT DEFAULT '1',
          7. k2 CHAR(10) DEFAULT 'aaaa'
          8. ```
          9. 2. Keywords are provided by the system. Currently, the following keywords are supported:
          10. ```SQL
          11. // This keyword is used only for DATETIME type. If the value is missing, the system assigns the current timestamp.
          13. ```


          1. ```
          2. k1 TINYINT,
          3. k2 DECIMAL(10,2) DEFAULT "10.5",
          4. k4 BIGINT NULL DEFAULT "1000" COMMENT "This is column k4",
          5. v1 VARCHAR(10) REPLACE NOT NULL,
          6. v2 BITMAP BITMAP_UNION,
          7. v3 HLL HLL_UNION,
          8. v4 INT SUM NOT NULL DEFAULT "1" COMMENT "This is column v4"
          9. ```
    • index_definition_list

      Index list definition:

      index_definition[, index_definition]

      • index_definition

        Index definition:

        1. INDEX index_name (col_name) [USING BITMAP] COMMENT'xxxxxx'


        1. INDEX idx1 (k1) USING BITMAP COMMENT "This is a bitmap index1",
        2. INDEX idx2 (k2) USING BITMAP COMMENT "This is a bitmap index2",
        3. ...
    • engine_type

      Table engine type. All types in this document are OLAP. For other external table engine types, see document. Example:


    • key_desc

      Data model.

      key_type(col1, col2, ...)

      key_type supports the following models:

      • DUPLICATE KEY (default): The subsequent specified column is the sorting column.

      • AGGREGATE KEY: The specified column is the dimension column.

      • UNIQUE KEY: The subsequent specified column is the primary key column.


        1. DUPLICATE KEY(col1, col2),
        2. UNIQUE KEY(k1, k2)
    • table_comment

      Table notes. Example:

    • partition_desc

      Partition information supports two writing methods:

      1. LESS THAN: Only define the upper boundary of the partition. The lower bound is determined by the upper bound of the previous partition.

        1. PARTITION BY RANGE(col1[, col2, ...])
        2. (
        3. PARTITION partition_name1 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE|("value1", "value2", ...),
        4. PARTITION partition_name2 VALUES LESS THAN MAXVALUE|("value1", "value2", ...)
      2. FIXED RANGE: Define the left closed and right open interval of the zone.

        1. PARTITION BY RANGE(col1[, col2, ...])
        2. (
        3. PARTITION partition_name1 VALUES [("k1-lower1", "k2-lower1", "k3-lower1",...), ("k1-upper1", "k2-upper1", "k3-upper1", ... )),
        4. PARTITION partition_name2 VALUES [("k1-lower1-2", "k2-lower1-2", ...), ("k1-upper1-2", MAXVALUE, ))
        5. )
    • Define the data bucketing method.

      DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (k1[,k2 ...]) [BUCKETS num]

    • rollup_list

      Multiple materialized views (ROLLUP) can be created at the same time as the table is built.

      ROLLUP (rollup_definition[, rollup_definition, ...])

      • rollup_definition

        rollup_name (col1[, col2, ...]) [DUPLICATE KEY(col1[, col2, ...])] [PROPERTIES("key" = "value")]


        1. ROLLUP (
        2. r1 (k1, k3, v1, v2),
        3. r2 (k1, v1)
        4. )
    • properties

      Set table properties. The following attributes are currently supported:

      • replication_num

        Number of copies. The default number of copies is 3. If the number of BE nodes is less than 3, you need to specify that the number of copies is less than or equal to the number of BE nodes.

        After version 0.15, this attribute will be automatically converted to the replication_allocation attribute, such as:

        "replication_num" = "3" will be automatically converted to "replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default:3"

      • replication_allocation

        Set the copy distribution according to Tag. This attribute can completely cover the function of the replication_num attribute.

      • storage_medium/storage_cooldown_time

        Data storage medium. storage_medium is used to declare the initial storage medium of the table data, and storage_cooldown_time is used to set the expiration time. Example:

        1. "storage_medium" = "SSD",
        2. "storage_cooldown_time" = "2020-11-20 00:00:00"

        This example indicates that the data is stored in the SSD and will be automatically migrated to the HDD storage after the expiration of 2020-11-20 00:00:00.

      • colocate_with

        When you need to use the Colocation Join function, use this parameter to set the Colocation Group.

        "colocate_with" = "group1"

      • bloom_filter_columns

        The user specifies the list of column names that need to be added to the Bloom Filter index. The Bloom Filter index of each column is independent, not a composite index.

        "bloom_filter_columns" = "k1, k2, k3"

      • in_memory

        Doris has no concept of memory tables.

        When this property is set to true, Doris will try to cache the data blocks of the table in the PageCache of the storage engine, which has reduced disk IO. But this property does not guarantee that the data block is resident in memory, it is only used as a best-effort identification.

        "in_memory" = "true"

      • function_column.sequence_type

        When using the UNIQUE KEY model, you can specify a sequence column. When the KEY columns are the same, REPLACE will be performed according to the sequence column (the larger value replaces the smaller value, otherwise it cannot be replaced)

        Here we only need to specify the type of sequence column, support time type or integer type. Doris will create a hidden sequence column.

        "function_column.sequence_type" ='Date'

      • compression

        The default compression method for Doris tables is LZ4. After version 1.1, it is supported to specify the compression method as ZSTD to obtain a higher compression ratio.

      • light_schema_change

        Whether to use the Light Schema Change optimization.

        If set to true, the addition and deletion of value columns can be done more quickly and synchronously.


      • disable_auto_compaction

        Whether to disable automatic compaction for this table.

        If this property is set to ‘true’, the background automatic compaction process will skip all the tables of this table.

        "disable_auto_compaction" = "false"

      • Dynamic partition related

        The relevant parameters of dynamic partition are as follows:

        • dynamic_partition.enable: Used to specify whether the dynamic partition function at the table level is enabled. The default is true.
        • dynamic_partition.time_unit: is used to specify the time unit for dynamically adding partitions, which can be selected as DAY (day), WEEK (week), MONTH (month), HOUR (hour).
        • dynamic_partition.start: Used to specify how many partitions to delete forward. The value must be less than 0. The default is Integer.MIN_VALUE.
        • dynamic_partition.end: Used to specify the number of partitions created in advance. The value must be greater than 0.
        • dynamic_partition.prefix: Used to specify the partition name prefix to be created. For example, if the partition name prefix is ​​p, the partition name will be automatically created as p20200108.
        • dynamic_partition.buckets: Used to specify the number of partition buckets that are automatically created.
        • dynamic_partition.create_history_partition: Whether to create a history partition.
        • dynamic_partition.history_partition_num: Specify the number of historical partitions to be created.
        • dynamic_partition.reserved_history_periods: Used to specify the range of reserved history periods.
      • Data Sort Info

        The relevant parameters of data sort info are as follows:

        • data_sort.sort_type: the method of data sorting, options: z-order/lexical, default is lexical
        • data_sort.col_num: the first few columns to sort, col_num muster less than total key counts
    1. Create a detailed model table

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.table_hash
      2. (
      3. k1 TINYINT,
      4. k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5",
      5. k3 CHAR(10) COMMENT "string column",
      6. k4 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "1" COMMENT "int column"
      7. )
      8. COMMENT "my first table"
    2. Create a detailed model table, partition, specify the sorting column, and set the number of copies to 1

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.table_hash
      2. (
      3. k1 DATE,
      4. k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5",
      5. k3 CHAR(10) COMMENT "string column",
      6. k4 INT NOT NULL DEFAULT "1" COMMENT "int column"
      7. )
      8. DUPLICATE KEY(k1, k2)
      9. COMMENT "my first table"
      10. PARTITION BY RANGE(k1)
      11. (
      12. PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN ("2020-02-01"),
      13. PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN ("2020-03-01"),
      14. PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN ("2020-04-01")
      15. )
      17. PROPERTIES (
      18. "replication_num" = "1"
      19. );
    3. Create a table with a unique model of the primary key, set the initial storage medium and cooling time

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.table_hash
      2. (
      3. k1 BIGINT,
      4. k2 LARGEINT,
      5. v1 VARCHAR(2048),
      6. v2 SMALLINT DEFAULT "10"
      7. )
      8. UNIQUE KEY(k1, k2)
      9. DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (k1, k2) BUCKETS 32
      10. PROPERTIES(
      11. "storage_medium" = "SSD",
      12. "storage_cooldown_time" = "2015-06-04 00:00:00"
      13. );
    4. Create an aggregate model table, using a fixed range partition description

    5. Create an aggregate model table with HLL and BITMAP column types

      1. k1 TINYINT,
      2. k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5",
      3. v1 HLL HLL_UNION,
      5. )
      6. ENGINE=olap
      7. AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2)
    6. Create two self-maintained tables of the same Colocation Group.

      1. CREATE TABLE t1 (
      2. id int(11) COMMENT "",
      3. value varchar(8) COMMENT ""
      4. )
      5. DUPLICATE KEY(id)
      7. PROPERTIES (
      8. "colocate_with" = "group1"
      9. );
      10. CREATE TABLE t2 (
      11. id int(11) COMMENT "",
      12. value1 varchar(8) COMMENT "",
      13. value2 varchar(8) COMMENT ""
      14. )
      15. DUPLICATE KEY(`id`)
      17. PROPERTIES (
      18. "colocate_with" = "group1"
      19. );
    7. Create a memory table with bitmap index and bloom filter index

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.table_hash
      2. (
      3. k1 TINYINT,
      4. k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5",
      5. v1 CHAR(10) REPLACE,
      6. v2 INT SUM,
      7. INDEX k1_idx (k1) USING BITMAP COMMENT'my first index'
      8. )
      9. AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2)
      11. PROPERTIES (
      12. "bloom_filter_columns" = "k2",
      13. "in_memory" = "true"
      14. );
    8. Create a dynamic partition table.

      The table creates partitions 3 days in advance every day, and deletes the partitions 3 days ago. For example, if today is 2020-01-08, partitions named p20200108, p20200109, p20200110, p20200111 will be created. The partition ranges are:

      1. [types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-08]; types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-09];)
      2. [types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-09]; types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-10];)
      3. [types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-10]; types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-11];)
      4. [types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-11]; types: [DATE]; keys: [2020-01-12];)
      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.dynamic_partition
      2. (
      3. k1 DATE,
      4. k2 INT,
      5. k3 SMALLINT,
      6. v1 VARCHAR(2048),
      7. v2 DATETIME DEFAULT "2014-02-04 15:36:00"
      8. )
      9. DUPLICATE KEY(k1, k2, k3)
      10. PARTITION BY RANGE (k1) ()
      12. PROPERTIES(
      13. "dynamic_partition.time_unit" = "DAY",
      14. "dynamic_partition.start" = "-3",
      15. "dynamic_partition.end" = "3",
      16. "dynamic_partition.prefix" = "p",
      17. "dynamic_partition.buckets" = "32"
      18. );
    9. Create a table with a materialized view (ROLLUP).

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.rolup_index_table
      2. (
      3. event_day DATE,
      4. siteid INT DEFAULT '10',
      5. citycode SMALLINT,
      6. username VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT'',
      7. pv BIGINT SUM DEFAULT '0'
      8. )
      9. AGGREGATE KEY(event_day, siteid, citycode, username)
      10. DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(siteid) BUCKETS 10
      11. ROLLUP (
      12. r1(event_day,siteid),
      13. r2(event_day,citycode),
      14. r3(event_day)
      15. )
      16. PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "3");
    10. Set the replica of the table through the replication_allocation property.

      1. CREATE TABLE example_db.table_hash
      2. (
      3. k1 TINYINT,
      4. k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5"
      5. )
      7. PROPERTIES (
      8. "replication_allocation"="tag.location.group_a:1, tag.location.group_b:2"

    Partitioning and bucketing

    A table must specify the bucket column, but it does not need to specify the partition. For the specific introduction of partitioning and bucketing, please refer to the Data Division document.

    Tables in Doris can be divided into partitioned tables and non-partitioned tables. This attribute is determined when the table is created and cannot be changed afterwards. That is, for partitioned tables, you can add or delete partitions in the subsequent use process, and for non-partitioned tables, you can no longer perform operations such as adding partitions afterwards.

    At the same time, partitioning columns and bucketing columns cannot be changed after the table is created. You can neither change the types of partitioning and bucketing columns, nor do any additions or deletions to these columns.

    Therefore, it is recommended to confirm the usage method to build the table reasonably before building the table.

    Dynamic Partition

    The dynamic partition function is mainly used to help users automatically manage partitions. By setting certain rules, the Doris system regularly adds new partitions or deletes historical partitions. Please refer to Dynamic Partition document for more help.

    Materialized View

    Users can create multiple materialized views (ROLLUP) while building a table. Materialized views can also be added after the table is built. It is convenient for users to create all materialized views at one time by writing in the table creation statement.

    If the materialized view is created when the table is created, all subsequent data import operations will synchronize the data of the materialized view to be generated. The number of materialized views may affect the efficiency of data import.

    If you add a materialized view in the subsequent use process, if there is data in the table, the creation time of the materialized view depends on the current amount of data.

    For the introduction of materialized views, please refer to the document materialized views.


    Users can create indexes on multiple columns while building a table. Indexes can also be added after the table is built.

    If you add an index in the subsequent use process, if there is data in the table, you need to rewrite all the data, so the creation time of the index depends on the current data volume.

    in_memory property

    The "in_memory" = "true" attribute was specified when the table was created. Doris will try to cache the data blocks of the table in the PageCache of the storage engine, which has reduced disk IO. However, this attribute does not guarantee that the data block is permanently resident in memory, and is only used as a best-effort identification.