This statement is used to display the amount of data, the number of replicas, and the number of statistical rows.



    1. If the FROM clause is specified, the data volume, number of copies and number of statistical rows subdivided into each materialized view under the table will be displayed. The data volume is the total data volume of all replicas. The number of replicas is the number of replicas for all partitions of the corresponding materialized view. The number of statistical rows is the number of statistical rows for all partitions of the corresponding materialized view.

    2. When counting the number of rows, the one with the largest number of rows among the multiple copies shall prevail.

    3. The row in the result set represents the total row. The Quota line represents the quota set by the current database. The line indicates the remaining quota.

    4. You can use ORDER BY to sort on any combination of columns.

    1. Display the subdivided data volume, the number of replicas and the number of statistical rows of the specified table under the specified db

      1. SHOW DATA FROM example_db.test;