Pseudo-Cluster Deployment

    If you are a green hand and want to experience DolphinScheduler, we recommended you install follow Standalone. If you want to experience more complete functions or schedule large tasks number, we recommended you install follow . If you want to using DolphinScheduler in production, we recommended you follow cluster deployment or

    Pseudo-cluster deployment of DolphinScheduler requires external software support

    • Binary package: Download the DolphinScheduler binary package at download page
    • Database: PostgreSQL (8.2.15+) or MySQL (5.7+), you can choose one of the two, such as MySQL requires JDBC Driver 8.0.16
    • Registry Center: ZooKeeper (3.4.6+),
    • Process tree analysis
      • pstree for macOS
      • psmisc for Fedora/Red/Hat/CentOS/Ubuntu/Debian

    DolphinScheduler startup environment

    Create a deployment user, and be sure to configure sudo without password. We here make a example for user dolphinscheduler.

    • Because DolphinScheduler’s multi-tenant task switch user by command sudo -u {linux-user}, the deployment user needs to have sudo privileges and is password-free. If novice learners don’t understand, you can ignore this point for the time being.
    • If you find the line “Defaults requirest” in the /etc/sudoers file, please comment it

    Since resources need to be sent to different machines during installation, SSH password-free login is required between each machine. The steps to configure password-free login are as follows

    1. su dolphinscheduler
    2. cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Go to the zookeeper installation directory, copy configure file zoo_sample.cfg to conf/zoo.cfg, and change value of dataDir in conf/zoo.cfg to dataDir=./tmp/zookeeper

    DolphinScheduler metadata is stored in relational database. Currently, PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported. If you use MySQL, you need to manually download (5.1.47+) and move it to the lib directory of DolphinScheduler. Let’s take MySQL as an example for how to initialize the database

    1. mysql -uroot -p
    2. mysql> CREATE DATABASE dolphinscheduler DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
    3. # Change {user} and {password} by requests
    4. mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dolphinscheduler.* TO '{user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';

    NOTICE: In the latest version, the way running command sh script/ initialization database is broken, We have created a issue-6597 to track and fix this problem

    After completing the preparation of the basic environment, you need to modify the configuration file according to your environment. The configuration file is in the path of conf/config/install_config.conf. Generally, you just needs to modify the INSTALL MACHINE, DolphinScheduler ENV, Database, Registry Server part to complete the deployment, the following describes the parameters that must be modified

    Start DolphinScheduler

    Use deployment user you created above, running the following command to complete the deployment, and the server log will be stored in the logs folder

    1. sh

    Start or stop server

    Note:: Please refer to the section of “System Architecture Design” for service usage