Directory Structure
Currently, all the configuration files are under [conf ] directory. Please check the following simplified DolphinScheduler installation directories to have a direct view about the position [conf] directory in and configuration files inside. This document only describes DolphinScheduler configurations and other modules are not going into.
[Note: the DolphinScheduler (hereinafter called the ‘DS’) .]
Configurations in Details is responsible for DS startup & shutdown. Essentially, startup/shutdown the cluster via Currently, DS just makes a basic config, please config further JVM options based on your practical situation of resources. [datasource config properties]
DS uses Druid to manage database connections and default simplified configs are:
Parameters | Default value | Description |
spring.datasource.driver-class-name | datasource driver | |
spring.datasource.url | datasource connection url | |
spring.datasource.username | datasource username | |
spring.datasource.password | datasource password | |
spring.datasource.initialSize | 5 | initail connection pool size number |
spring.datasource.minIdle | 5 | minimum connection pool size number |
spring.datasource.maxActive | 5 | maximum connection pool size number |
spring.datasource.maxWait | 60000 | max wait mili-seconds |
spring.datasource.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis | 60000 | idle connection check interval |
spring.datasource.timeBetweenConnectErrorMillis | 60000 | retry interval |
spring.datasource.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis | 300000 | connections over minEvictableIdleTimeMillis will be collect when idle check |
spring.datasource.validationQuery | SELECT 1 | validate connection by running the SQL |
spring.datasource.validationQueryTimeout | 3 | validate connection timeout[seconds] |
spring.datasource.testWhileIdle | true | set whether the pool validates the allocated connection when a new connection request comes |
spring.datasource.testOnBorrow | true | validity check when the program requests a new connection |
spring.datasource.testOnReturn | false | validity check when the program recalls a connection |
spring.datasource.defaultAutoCommit | true | whether auto commit |
spring.datasource.keepAlive | true | runs validationQuery SQL to avoid the connection closed by pool when the connection idles over minEvictableIdleTimeMillis |
spring.datasource.poolPreparedStatements | true | Open PSCache |
spring.datasource.maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize | 20 | specify the size of PSCache on each connection | [zookeeper config properties]
Parameters | Default value | Description |
zookeeper.quorum | localhost:2181 | zookeeper cluster connection info |
zookeeper.dolphinscheduler.root | /dolphinscheduler | DS is stored under zookeeper root directory |
zookeeper.session.timeout | 60000 | session timeout |
zookeeper.connection.timeout | 30000 | connection timeout |
zookeeper.retry.base.sleep | 100 | time to wait between subsequent retries |
zookeeper.retry.max.sleep | 30000 | maximum time to wait between subsequent retries |
zookeeper.retry.maxtime | 10 | maximum retry times | [hadoop、s3、yarn config properties]
Currently, mainly configures hadoop/s3a related configurations.
Parameters | Default value | Description |
server.port | 12345 | api service communication port |
server.servlet.session.timeout | 7200 | session timeout |
server.servlet.context-path | /dolphinscheduler | request path |
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size | 1024MB | maximum file size |
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size | 1024MB | maximum request size |
server.jetty.max-http-post-size | 5000000 | jetty maximum post size |
spring.messages.encoding | UTF-8 | message encoding |
spring.jackson.time-zone | GMT+8 | time zone |
spring.messages.basename | i18n/messages | i18n config |
security.authentication.type | PASSWORD | authentication type | [master-service log config]
Parameters | Default value | Description |
master.listen.port | 5678 | master listen port |
master.exec.threads | 100 | master execute thread number to limit process instances in parallel |
master.exec.task.num | 20 | master execute task number in parallel per process instance |
master.dispatch.task.num | 3 | master dispatch task number per batch | | LowerWeight | master host selector to select a suitable worker, default value: LowerWeight. Optional values include Random, RoundRobin, LowerWeight |
master.heartbeat.interval | 10 | master heartbeat interval, the unit is second |
master.task.commit.retryTimes | 5 | master commit task retry times |
master.task.commit.interval | 1000 | master commit task interval, the unit is millisecond |
master.max.cpuload.avg | -1 | master max CPU load avg, only higher than the system CPU load average, master server can schedule. default value -1: the number of CPU cores * 2 |
master.reserved.memory | 0.3 | master reserved memory, only lower than system available memory, master server can schedule. default value 0.3, the unit is G | [worker-service log config] [alert-service log config]
Parameters | Default value | Description |
alert.type | alter type | |
mail.protocol | SMTP | mail server protocol | | mail server host | |
mail.server.port | 25 | mail server port |
mail.sender | | mail sender email |
mail.user | mail sender email name | |
mail.passwd | 111111 | mail sender email password |
mail.smtp.starttls.enable | true | specify mail whether open tls |
mail.smtp.ssl.enable | false | specify mail whether open ssl | | | specify mail ssl trust list |
xls.file.path | /tmp/xls | mail attachment temp storage directory |
following configure WeCom[optional] | ||
enterprise.wechat.enable | false | specify whether enable WeCom |
xxxxxxx | WeCom corp id | |
enterprise.wechat.secret | xxxxxxx | WeCom secret | | xxxxxxx | WeCom agent id |
enterprise.wechat.users | xxxxxxx | WeCom users |
enterprise.wechat.token.url | ? corpid=corpId&corpsecret=secret | WeCom token url |
enterprise.wechat.push.url | access_token=$token | WeCom push url |
enterprise.wechat.user.send.msg | send message format | | | group message format | |
plugin.dir | /Users/xx/your/path/to/plugin/dir | plugin directory |
Parameters | Default value | Description |
org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass | org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate | |
org.quartz.jobStore.driverDelegateClass | org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate | |
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName | DolphinScheduler | |
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId | AUTO | |
org.quartz.scheduler.makeSchedulerThreadDaemon | true | |
org.quartz.jobStore.useProperties | false | |
org.quartz.threadPool.class | org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool | |
org.quartz.threadPool.makeThreadsDaemons | true | |
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount | 25 | |
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority | 5 | |
org.quartz.jobStore.class | org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX | |
org.quartz.jobStore.tablePrefix | QRTZ_ | |
org.quartz.jobStore.isClustered | true | |
org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold | 60000 | |
org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval | 5000 | |
org.quartz.jobStore.acquireTriggersWithinLock | true | |
org.quartz.jobStore.dataSource | myDs | |
org.quartz.dataSource.myDs.connectionProvider.class | org.apache.dolphinscheduler.service.quartz.DruidConnectionProvider |
10.install_config.conf [DS environment variables configuration script[install/start DS]]
install_config.conf is a bit complicated and is mainly used in the following two places.
- 2.Startup/shutdown DS cluster [load environment variables configs]
When using shell to commit tasks, DS will load environment variables inside into the host. Types of tasks involved are: Shell task、Python task、Spark task、Flink task、Datax task and etc.