
    The REPL provides a couple of special variables, that are always available:

    Tab completions are crucial feature for quick navigation in REPL. After hitting tab key, Deno will now show a list of all possible completions.

    Keystroke Action
    Ctrl-A, Home Move cursor to the beginning of line
    Ctrl-B, Left Move cursor one character left
    Ctrl-C Interrupt and cancel the current edit
    Ctrl-D If if line is empty, signal end of line
    Ctrl-D, Del If line is not empty, delete character under cursor
    Ctrl-E, End Move cursor to end of line
    Ctrl-F, Right Move cursor one character right
    Ctrl-H, Backspace Delete character before cursor
    Ctrl-I, Tab Next completion
    Ctrl-J, Ctrl-M, Enter Finish the line entry
    Ctrl-K Delete from cursor to end of line
    Ctrl-L Clear screen
    Ctrl-N, Down Next match from history
    Ctrl-P, Up Previous match from history
    Ctrl-R Reverse Search history (Ctrl-S forward, Ctrl-G cancel)
    Ctrl-T Transpose previous character with current character
    Ctrl-U Delete from start of line to cursor
    Ctrl-V Insert any special character without performing its associated action
    Ctrl-W Delete word leading up to cursor (using white space as a word boundary)
    Ctrl-X Ctrl-U Undo
    Ctrl-Y Paste from Yank buffer
    Ctrl-Y Paste from Yank buffer (Meta-Y to paste next yank instead)
    Ctrl-Z Suspend (Unix only)
    Ctrl-_ Undo
    Meta-0, 1, …, - Specify the digit to the argument. starts a negative argument.
    Meta-< Move to first entry in history
    Meta-> Move to last entry in history
    Meta-B, Alt-Left Move cursor to previous word
    Meta-Backspace Kill from the start of the current word, or, if between words, to the start of the previous word
    Meta-C Capitalize the current word
    Meta-D Delete forwards one word
    Meta-F, Alt-Right Move cursor to next word
    Meta-L Lower-case the next word
    Meta-T Transpose words
    Meta-U Upper-case the next word
    Meta-Y See Ctrl-Y