Getting started with the Dapr client Python SDK

    1. from dapr.clients import DaprClient
    2. with DaprClient() as d:
    3. # invoke a method (gRPC or HTTP GET)
    4. resp = d.invoke_method('service-to-invoke', 'method-to-invoke', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')
    5. # for other HTTP verbs the verb must be specified
    6. # invoke a 'POST' method (HTTP only)
    7. resp = d.invoke_method('service-to-invoke', 'method-to-invoke', data='{"id":"100", "FirstName":"Value", "LastName":"Value"}', http_verb='post')
    • For a full guide on service invocation visit How-To: Invoke a service.
    • Visit for code samples and instructions to try out service invocation
    Publish messages
    1. from dapr.clients import DaprClient
    2. resp = d.publish_event(pubsub_name='pubsub', topic='TOPIC_A', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')
    Subscribe to messages
    • For a full list of state operations visit .
    • Visit Python SDK examples for code samples and instructions to try out pub/sub
    1. from dapr.clients import DaprClient
    2. with DaprClient() as d:
    3. resp = d.invoke_binding(name='kafkaBinding', operation='create', data='{"message":"Hello World"}')
    • For a full guide on output bindings visit .
    • Visit Python SDK examples for code samples and instructions to try out output bindings
    • For a full guide on secrets visit .