Define a component

    When building an app, you’d most likely create your own component file definitions, depending on the building block and specific component that you’d like to use.

    In this tutorial, you will create a component definition file to interact with the :

    • Create a local JSON secret store.
    • Register the secret store with Dapr using a component definition file.
    • Obtain the secret using the Dapr HTTP API.

    Dapr supports many types of secret stores, but for this tutorial, create a local JSON file named with the following secret:

      1. mkdir my-components
    1. Create a new file localSecretStore.yaml with the following contents:

      1. apiVersion:
      2. kind: Component
      3. metadata:
      4. name: my-secret-store
      5. spec:
      6. type: secretstores.local.file
      7. version: v1
      8. metadata:
      9. value: <PATH TO SECRETS FILE>/mysecrets.json
      10. - name: nestedSeparator

    In the above file definition:

    • type: secretstores.local.file tells Dapr to use the local file component as a secret store.
    • The metadata fields provide component-specific information needed to work with this component. In this case, the secret store JSON path is relative to where you call dapr run.


    If an error message occurs, stating the app-id is already in use, you may need to stop any currently running Dapr sidecars. Stop the sidecar before running the next dapr run command by either:

    • Pressing Ctrl+C or Command+C.
    • Running the dapr stop command in the terminal.

    In a separate terminal, run:

    1. curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/secrets/my-secret-store/my-secret
