


    1. function _toArray(arr) { ... }
    2. let _obj = obj,
    3. x = _obj.x,
    4. y = _obj.y;
    5. let _arr = arr,
    6. _arr2 = _toArray(_arr),
    7. a = _arr2[0],
    8. b = _arr2[1],
    9. rest = _arr2.slice(2);
    1. npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring

    Via CLI

    1. babel --plugins @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring script.js
    1. plugins: ["@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring"],


    boolean, defaults to false.

    Enabling this option will assume that what you want to destructure is an array and won’t use Array.from on other iterables.

    Enabling this option will use Object.assign directly instead of the Babel’s extends helper.



    1. {
    2. "plugins": [
    3. ["@babel/plugin-transform-destructuring", { "useBuiltIns": true }]
    4. ]
    5. }




    Added in: v7.10.0

    This option allows destructuring array-like objects using the array destructuring syntax.

    An array-like object is an object with a length property: for example, { 0: "a", 1: "b", length: 2 }. Note that, like real arrays, array-like objects can have “holes”: { 1: "a", length: 3 } is equivalent to [ (hole), "a", (hole) ].

    While it is not spec-compliant to destructure array-like objects as if they were arrays, there are many objects that would be iterables in modern browsers with Symbol.iterator support. Some notable examples are the DOM collections, like document.querySelectorAll("img.big"), which are the main use case for this option.

    Please note that Babel allows destructuring arguments in old engines even if this option is disabled, because it’s defined as iterable in the ECMAScript specification.

    1. // babel.config.json
    2. {
    3. "assumptions": {
    4. "arrayLikeIsIterable": true
    5. }