Parsed URL objects have some or all of the following fields, depending on
    whether or not they exist in the URL string. Any parts that are not in the URL
    string will not be in the parsed object. Examples are shown for the URL


    • href: The full URL that was originally parsed. Both the protocol and host are lowercased.

      Example: 'http://user:pass@host.com:8080/p/a/t/h?query=string#hash'

    • protocol: The request protocol, lowercased.

      Example: 'http:'

    • slashes: The protocol requires slashes after the colon

      Example: true or false

    • host: The full lowercased host portion of the URL, including port

      Example: 'host.com:8080'

    • Example: 'user:pass'

    • hostname: Just the lowercased hostname portion of the host.

      Example: 'host.com'

    • port: The port number portion of the host.

      Example: '8080'

    • search: The ‘query string’ portion of the URL, including the leading
      question mark.

      Example: '?query=string'

    • path: Concatenation of pathname and search.

    • query: Either the ‘params’ portion of the query string, or a
      querystring-parsed object.

      Example: 'query=string' or {'query':'string'}

    • : The ‘fragment’ portion of the URL including the pound-sign.

      Example: '#hash'

    The following methods are provided by the URL module:

    Take a URL string, and return an object.

    Pass true as the second argument to also parse the query string using the
    querystring module. If true then the query property will always be
    assigned an object, and the search property will always be a (possibly
    empty) string. Defaults to false.

    Pass true as the third argument to treat //foo/bar as
    { host: 'foo', pathname: '/bar' } rather than
    { pathname: '//foo/bar' }. Defaults to false.

    Take a parsed URL object, and return a formatted URL string.

    Here’s how the formatting process works:

    • href will be ignored.
    • protocol is treated the same with or without the trailing : (colon).
      • The protocols http, https, ftp, gopher, file will be
        postfixed with :// (colon-slash-slash).
      • All other protocols mailto, xmpp, aim, sftp, , etc will
        be postfixed with : (colon)
    • slashes set to true if the protocol requires :// (colon-slash-slash)
      • Only needs to be set for protocols not previously listed as requiring
        slashes, such as mongodb://localhost:8000/
    • hostname will only be used if host is absent.
    • port will only be used if host is absent.
    • host will be used in place of hostname and port
    • pathname is treated the same with or without the leading / (slash).
    • search will be used in place of query.
      • It is treated the same with or without the leading ? (question mark)
    • query (object; see querystring) will only be used if search is absent.
    • hash is treated the same with or without the leading # (pound sign, anchor).
    1. url.resolve('/one/two/three', 'four') // '/one/two/four'
    2. url.resolve('http://example.com/', '/one') // 'http://example.com/one'