
    Check the liveness or readiness of a locally-running server

    —config <string>-cConfig file containing args (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--interval &lt;duration&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Duration used for checking the target file's last modified time. (default `0s`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_as_json</code></td><td></td><td>Whether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_caller &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] (default)
    —log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,… where scope can be one of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:info)
    —log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_age &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_backups &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_size &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_stacktrace_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope:level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_target &lt;stringArray&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--probe-path &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Path of the file for checking the availability. (default)

    Accepts deep config files, like:

    —config <string>-cConfig file containing args (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_as_json</code></td><td></td><td>Whether to format output as JSON or in plain console-friendly format</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_caller &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Comma-separated list of scopes for which to include caller information, scopes can be any of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] (default)
    —log_output_level <string>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level of messages to output, in the form of <scope>:<level>,<scope>:<level>,… where scope can be one of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default default:info)
    —log_rotate <string>The path for the optional rotating log file (default )</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_age &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum age in days of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (0 indicates no limit) (default `30`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_backups &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum number of log file backups to keep before older files are deleted (0 indicates no limit) (default `1000`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_rotate_max_size &lt;int&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The maximum size in megabytes of a log file beyond which the file is rotated (default `104857600`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_stacktrace_level &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>Comma-separated minimum per-scope logging level at which stack traces are captured, in the form of &lt;scope&gt;:&lt;level&gt;,&lt;scope:level&gt;,... where scope can be one of [all, analysis, attributes, conversions, default, grpcAdapter, kube, kube-converter, mcp, meshconfig, model, processing, rbac, resource, runtime, server, source, validation] and level can be one of [debug, info, warn, error, fatal, none] (default `default:none`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--log_target &lt;stringArray&gt;</code></td><td></td><td>The set of paths where to output the log. This can be any path as well as the special values stdout and stderr (default `[stdout]`)</td></tr><tr><td><code>--output &lt;string&gt;</code></td><td><code>-o</code></td><td>One of 'yaml' or 'json'. (default)
    —short-sUse —short=false to generate full version information

    These environment variables affect the behavior of the galley command.

    Metric NameTypeDescription
    galley_runtime_processor_event_span_duration_millisecondsDistributionThe duration between each incoming event
    galley_runtime_processor_events_processed_totalCountThe number of events that have been processed
    galley_runtime_processor_snapshot_events_totalDistributionThe number of events per snapshot
    galley_runtime_processor_snapshot_lifetime_duration_millisecondsDistributionThe duration of each snapshot
    galley_runtime_processor_snapshots_published_totalCountThe number of snapshots that have been published
    galley_runtime_state_type_instances_totalLastValueThe number of type instances per type URL
    galley_runtime_strategy_on_change_totalCountThe number of times the strategy’s onChange has been called
    galley_runtime_strategy_timer_max_time_reached_totalCountThe number of times the max time has been reached
    galley_runtime_strategy_timer_quiesce_reached_totalThe number of times a quiesce has been reached
    galley_runtime_strategy_timer_resets_totalCountThe number of times the timer has been reset
    galley_source_kube_dynamic_converter_failure_totalCountThe number of times a dynamnic kubernetes source failed converting a resources
    galley_source_kube_dynamic_converter_success_totalCountThe number of times a dynamic kubernetes source successfully converted a resource
    galley_source_kube_event_error_totalCountThe number of times a kubernetes source encountered errored while handling an event
    galley_source_kube_event_success_totalCountThe number of times a kubernetes source successfully handled an event
    galley_validation_cert_key_update_errorsCountGalley validation webhook certificate updates errors
    galley_validation_cert_key_updatesCountGalley validation webhook certificate updates
    galley_validation_config_loadCountk8s webhook configuration (re)loads
    galley_validation_config_load_errorCountk8s webhook configuration (re)load error
    galley_validation_config_update_errorCountk8s webhook configuration update error
    galley_validation_config_updatesCountk8s webhook configuration updates
    galley_validation_failedCountResource validation failed
    galley_validation_http_errorCountResource validation http serve errors
    galley_validation_passedCountResource is valid
    istio_buildLastValueIstio component build info
    istio_mcp_clients_totalLastValueThe number of streams currently connected.
    istio_mcp_message_sizes_bytesDistributionSize of messages received from clients.
    istio_mcp_reconnectionsSumThe number of times the sink has reconnected.
    istio_mcp_recv_failures_totalSumThe number of recv failures in the source.
    istio_mcp_request_acks_totalSumThe number of request acks received by the source.
    istio_mcp_request_nacks_totalSumThe number of request nacks received by the source.
    istio_mcp_send_failures_totalThe number of send failures in the source.