• Edit your , by changing Hanami version: gem 'hanami', '~> 0.8'.

    • Create a group :development in Gemfile and add gem 'shotgun'

    • Create a group :development, :test in Gemfile and add gem 'dotenv', '~> 2.0'

    • Edit .hanamirc by adding a new key project. The value must be the snake_case name of the project. Eg. project=active_citizens.

    • Change params validation syntax. Learn more at .

    • Change params access syntax to symbols. Eg params['book'] is no longer supported.

    • The returning value of params.errors has changed: now it’s a Hash with key the attribute name and value an array of strings with error messages.

    • [Optional] Edit logging settings in apps/web/application.rb.

    • [Optional] Add security.x_xss_protection '1; mode=block' to apps/web/application.rb.

    • [Optional] Add subresource_integrity :sha256 to assets block in configure :production to apps/web/application.rb.

    • [Optional] RSpec users can disable Rake 11 warnings by adding config.warnings = false to the RSpec.configure |config| block in .

    If you have any problem, don’t hesitate to look for help in .