• Edit Gemfile, by changing Hanami Model version: gem 'hanami-model', '~> 1.3'

    • [DEPRECATION] Remove body_parsers from in favor of a new Hanami middleware:
    1. # config/environment.rb
    2. Hanami.configure do
    3. # ...
    4. middleware.use Hanami::Middleware::BodyParser, :json
    • [DEPRECATION] Remove usage of from actions. Parsed body is accessible via params.

    • [DEPRECATION] Convert Hanami::Utils::Hash usage of instance methods to class methods (e.g. Hanami::Utils::Hash.new("a" => 1).symbolize to Hanami::Utils::Hash.symbolize("a" => 1))

    If you have any problem, don’t hesitate to look for help in .