Add a constant variable

    1. Navigate to the dashboard you want to make a variable for and then click the Dashboard settings (gear) icon at the top of the page.
    2. On the Variables tab, click New.
    3. In the Type list, select Constant.
    4. (optional) In Label, enter the display name of the variable dropdown. If you don’t enter a display name, then the dropdown label will be the variable name.
    5. Choose a Hide option:
      • Variable - No variable dropdown is displayed on the dashboard. This is the default.
      • Label - The variable dropdown only displays the selected variable value and a down arrow.

    Enter Constant options

    1. In the Value field, enter the variable value. You can enter letters, numbers, and symbols. You can even use wildcards if you use raw format.
    2. In Preview of values, Grafana displays the current variable value. Review it to ensure it matches what you expect.
    3. Click Add to add the variable to the dashboard.