Grafana user account profile

    1. Navigate to the Preferences tab. Hover your cursor over your user icon in the lower left corner of the screen, and then click Preferences.
    2. In the Edit Profile section, you can edit any of the following:
      • Name - Edit this field to change the display name associated with your profile.
      • Username - Edit this field to change your user name.
    3. Click Save.
    1. Navigate to the Preferences tab. Hover your cursor over your user icon in the lower left corner of the screen, and then click Preferences.
    2. Scroll down to the Organizations section.
      • Name - The name of the organizations you are a member of in that Grafana instance.
      • Role - The role you are assigned in the organization. Refer to Organization roles about permissions assigned to each role.
    1. Navigate to the Preferences tab. Hover your cursor over your user icon in the lower left corner of the screen, and then click Preferences.
    2. Scroll down to the Sessions section. Grafana displays the following:
      • Last seen - How long ago you logged on.
      • Logged on - The date you logged on to the current Grafana instance.
      • IP address - The IP address that you logged on from.
      • Browser & OS - The web browser and operating system used to log on to Grafana.