Enumeration | Description |
BarGaugeDisplayMode | |
BigValueGraphMode | |
BigValueTextMode | Options for how the value & title are to be displayed |
EventsWithValidation | |
LegendDisplayMode | |
SeriesVisibilityChangeBehavior | |
TooltipDisplayMode |
Interface | Description |
CardContainerProps | |
CascaderOption | |
CompletionItemGroup | |
ContextMenuProps | |
DatePickerWithInputProps | |
ErrorBoundaryAlertProps | Props for the ErrorBoundaryAlert component |
FileDropzoneProps | |
GraphNGProps | |
LoadingPlaceholderProps | |
OptionsWithTextFormatting | |
PlotSelection | |
SeriesTableProps | |
SingleStatBaseOptions | |
TabConfig | |
Themeable | |
TimeRangePickerProps | |
TypeaheadInput | |
ValidationEvents | |
VizLayoutComponentType | (BETA) |
(BETA) | |
VizLayoutProps | (BETA) |
VizLegendOptions | |
VizTextDisplayOptions | Explicit control for visualization text settings |