Django templates

    You see, in HTML, you can’t really write Python code, because browsers don’t understand it. They know only HTML. We know that HTML is rather static, while Python is much more dynamic.

    Django template tags allow us to transfer Python-like things into HTML, so you can build dynamic websites faster. Cool!

    In the previous chapter we gave our template a list of posts in the variable. Now we will display it in HTML.

    To print a variable in Django templates, we use double curly brackets with the variable’s name inside, like this:

    {% filename %}blog/templates/blog/post_list.html{% endfilename %}

    Try this in your blog/templates/blog/post_list.html template. Replace everything from the second <div> to the third </div> with {{ posts }}. Save the file, and refresh the page to see the results:

    {% filename %}blog/templates/blog/post_list.html{% endfilename %}

    1. <QuerySet [<Post: My second post>, <Post: My first post>]>

    This means that Django understands it as a list of objects. Remember from Introduction to Python how we can display lists? Yes, with for loops! In a Django template you do them like this:

    {% filename %}blog/templates/blog/post_list.html{% endfilename %}

    Try this in your template.

    Figure 13.2

    It works! But we want the posts to be displayed like the static posts we created earlier in the Introduction to HTML chapter. You can mix HTML and template tags. Our body will look like this:

    {% filename %}blog/templates/blog/post_list.html{% endfilename %}

    1. <div>
    2. <h1><a href="/">Django Girls Blog</a></h1>
    3. {% for post in posts %}
    4. <div>
    5. <p>published: {{ post.published_date }}</p>
    6. <h1><a href="">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
    7. <p>{{ post.text|linebreaksbr }}</p>
    8. {% endfor %}

    Have you noticed that we used a slightly different notation this time ({{ post.title }} or {{ post.text }})? We are accessing data in each of the fields defined in our Post model. Also, the |linebreaksbr is piping the posts’ text through a filter to convert line-breaks into paragraphs.

    It’d be good to see if your website will still be working on the public Internet, right? Let’s try deploying to PythonAnywhere again. Here’s a recap of the steps…

    • First, push your code to Github

    {% filename %}command-line{% endfilename %}

    • Then, log back in to and go to your Bash console (or start a new one), and run:

    {% filename %}PythonAnywhere command-line{% endfilename %}

    1. $ cd my-first-blog
    2. $ git pull
    3. [...]

    Congrats! Now go ahead and try adding a new post in your Django admin (remember to add published_date!) Make sure you are in the Django admin for your pythonanywhere site, Then refresh your page to see if the post appears there.

    Works like a charm? We’re proud! Step away from your computer for a bit – you have earned a break. :)