• Open braces on same line, unless you need to wrap.
    • If a list of things is longer than 2, put each item on its own line and exercise the ability to put an extra comma at the end.
    • Line length: aim for 100; use common sense.

    Roughly speaking: , TitleCaseTypeName, snake_case_variable_name. More precisely:

    • If x is callable, and x‘s return type is type, then x should be TitleCase.
    • If is otherwise callable, then x should be camelCase.
    • Otherwise, x should be snake_case.

    File names fall into two categories: types and namespaces. If the file (implicity a struct) has top level fields, it should be named like any other struct with fields using TitleCase. Otherwise, it should use snake_case. Directory names should be .

    See the Zig Standard Library for more examples.