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    Welcome to the Vue.js testing handbook!

    Each section is independent from the others. We start of by setting up an environment with and writing a simple test. Next, two ways to render a component are discussed - and . The differences will be demonstrated and explained.

    From then on, we cover how to test various scenarios that arise when testing components, such as testing components that:

    • receive props
    • use computed properties
    • render other components
    • best practises for testing Vuex (in components, and independently)
    • testing Vue router
    • testing involving third party components

    We will also explore how to use the Jest API to make our tests more robust, such as:

    • mocking API responses
    • using snapshots

    Further Reading

    Other useful resources include:

    • I made free series on Vue Test Utils + Vue 3: YouTube playlistWelcome - 图1
    • My . VUEJS_COURSE_10_OFF for a $10 discount!