Jasper reports on Vaadin sample
First, you will need a JDK Maven and Mysql in order to try the sample, and you can download the code here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jrtutorial/files/VaadinJRSample/
There is a README.txt file you can follow in order to run the sample, basically you need to:
Create database running resources/database.sql on Mysql or MariaDB
Compile the entire project: run “mvn install”.
Deploy the application in Jetty: run “mvn jetty:run”
Go to in your browser
Let’s see the sample code step by step.
The data is only a person table with some data.
The main class MyUI.java has two UI components (the report generating button and a list component used to show current data in database.):
The list is implemented on PersonList.java, I am using a FilteringTable (), that loads the data using a Vaadin SQLContainer:
TableQuery tq = new TableQuery("person", new ConnectionUtil().getJDBCConnectionPool());
container = new SQLContainer(tq);
filterTable = buildPagedTable(container);
Properties prop=PropertiesUtil.getProperties();
public JDBCConnectionPool getJDBCConnectionPool(){
try {
pool = new SimpleJDBCConnectionPool(
} catch (SQLException e) {
return pool;
The report generation is implemented on ReportGenerator class, this class loads the report template:
Compile report template:
jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(jasperDesign);
Fill report with data:
HashMap fillParameters=new HashMap();
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(
Export the jasperPrint object to Pdf format:
And finally execute all the logic to generate the report and sent it to an OutputStream:
JasperDesign jasperDesign=loadTemplate(templatePath);
JasperReport jasperReport=compileReport(jasperDesign);
JasperPrint jasperPrint=fillReport(jasperReport, conn);
exportReportToPdf(jasperPrint, outputStream);
But all the logic at ReportGenerator.java is called from the ReportUtil class, this class is the responsible to connect Vaadin layer with ReportGenerator layer. There are two methods: the first one is prepareForPdfReport, this method creates a database connection, generates the report as a StreamResource (calling the another method) and finally extends the source button with a FileDownloader component in order to upload the generated report stream, so all the uploading magic is done by FileDownloader extension (https://vaadin.com/api/com/vaadin/server/FileDownloader.html):
Connection conn=new ConnectionUtil().getSQLConnection();
StreamResource myResource =createPdfResource(conn,reportTemplate,reportOutputFilename);
FileDownloader fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(myResource);
The second method createPdfResource, uses ReportGenerator class in order to return the generated report as a StreamResource:
So, in order to call the report generator process when only need to call ReportUtil like we did in ‘MyUI.java’:
final Button reportGeneratorButton = new Button("Generate report");
new ReportsUtil().prepareForPdfReport("/reports/PersonListReport.jrxml",
Finally, the jasper report design can be found in the WEB-INF/personListReport.jrxml file
This is a picture of the sample running and the generated report:
And that’s all, I expect to help someone with this sample, thanks for reading.