Creating an In-project Web Component

    1. Use Polymer CLI to create a new Polymer element in the in your project

    You can find extensive Polymer CLI installation instructions at

    In short you need to install: 1. Node / npm 2. Git 3. Bower 4. Polymer-cli


    You can find extensive instructions on how to create a Polymer element at

    Assuming you name your Polymer element my-test-element (the name MUST contain at least one dash), the element needs to end up in .

    To get the files in the correct place you can do


    This works exactly as described in Creating Java API for a Web Component. The only difference is that static files are loaded from your project instead of from a webjar and you can modify them easily while creating the Java API.

    As an example, for the generated my-test-element, you could do


    You can now use the component as e.g.
